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RE: [gnso-improvem-impl-sc] NOTE re: RESPONSE REQUESTED: Doodle Poll for Next SCI Meeting

  • To: julie.hedlund@xxxxxxxxx, gnso-improvem-impl-sc@xxxxxxxxx
  • Subject: RE: [gnso-improvem-impl-sc] NOTE re: RESPONSE REQUESTED: Doodle Poll for Next SCI Meeting
  • From: Ron Andruff <randruff@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 04 Jun 2013 20:45:11 -0400

Not your poor presentation, Julie. It doesn't matter to me for the reasons I 
noted on the call. Hence, I can attend both. 

Those that oppose a meeting in Durban do so for good reasons and will answer 

So Members should answer by choosing responses that fit their desires and the 
majority will carry the day.

Kind regards,


Ron Andruff

-------- Original message --------
From: Julie Hedlund <julie.hedlund@xxxxxxxxx> 
Date: 06/04/2013  18:32  (GMT-05:00) 
To: gnso-improvem-impl-sc@xxxxxxxxx 
Subject: [gnso-improvem-impl-sc] NOTE re: RESPONSE REQUESTED: Doodle Poll for 
Next SCI Meeting 

A note about the poll.  Some have selected both options as "yes".  Ideally, we 
need to make a decision between them because we won't have both meetings.  
Thus, it would be helpful if there is a preference indicated (perhaps if one is 
"yes" and one is "if-need-be,  or "no" for example).  If both options are 
selected equally (both as "yes") then we may have to go to a poll that allows 
only one option to be picked.

Thanks for your help and sorry if I constructed the poll in a way that is 


From: Julie Hedlund <julie.hedlund@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tuesday, June 4, 2013 4:27 PM
To: "gnso-improvem-impl-sc@xxxxxxxxx" <gnso-improvem-impl-sc@xxxxxxxxx>
Subject: [gnso-improvem-impl-sc] RESPONSE REQUESTED: Doodle Poll for Next SCI 

Dear SCI members,

As discussed on today's SCI call, we need to decide when to schedule the July 
SCI meeting.  There are two options:

1.  The regularly scheduled monthly time (based on the previous Doodle poll): 
02 July 2013 at 1900 UTC/1500 EDT/1200 PDT
2.  In Durban on Sunday, 14 July 2013, at a time TBD.  Note that regardless of 
the time chosen there will be conflicts with existing meetings.

Please take the Doodle poll to help us decide 
at: http://www.doodle.com/d9swee8iisuzggh4

DEADLINE:  The poll will close on Friday, 07 June 2013 COB 1800 UTC/1400 
EDT/1100 PDT (essentially close of business UTC).

Thank you for your assistance and please let us know if you have any questions.

Best regards,


Julie Hedlund, Policy Director

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