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[gnso-improvem-impl-sc] WG Self-Assessment Questionnaire (Draft v3)

  • To: <gnso-improvem-impl-sc@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: [gnso-improvem-impl-sc] WG Self-Assessment Questionnaire (Draft v3)
  • From: "Ken Bour" <ken.bour@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 04 Jul 2013 12:28:02 -0400

SCI Team Members:


After our last teleconference (2 July), I continued my own evaluation of the
questionnaire looking for ways to sharpen and improve it including
addressing your feedback received thus far. I developed a new Draft v3 for
your review at: https://community.icann.org/x/eEZ-Ag.


In this version of the questionnaire, I made the following substantive

1.      The "Expertise" question (Section II) was modified in an attempt to
address Ron's observation about the expected variability in team members'
2.      Tangential to Ron's concern, I added a new disclaimer in the note
just before Section II to explain how respondents might approach the
challenge of assigning individual ratings to complex dimensions. 
3.      In Section V, I substituted "Engagement" for "Participation" and
changed the wording of the first question to address Wolf-Ulrich's feedback
entered as a comment to Draft v2.
4.      I elected to break out Personal Dimensions and Demographics into two
independent sections. Each one represents a logically distinct category;
furthermore, the table headings simply did not apply correctly to the
Demographics questions.
5.      Added a third question to the Personal Dimensions which I labeled
"Willingness-to-Serve" for want of a better noun. This question seeks to
understand whether the WG experience influences one's propensity to serve
again in the future assuming all other conditions (e.g., topic, need/fit,
availability) are favorable. In other words, are we systematically building
or eroding volunteer capacity?


I look forward to your feedback on this third iteration of the WG
Self-Assessment instrument. 


As you may know, I will not be present in Durban; however, if the team
wishes to continue working on this project and would like my involvement, I
am willing to join in any/all sessions remotely if technical conditions
(e.g., room connections) permit. 






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