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Re: [gnso-improvem-impl-sc] WG Self-Assessment Questionnaire (Draft v3)

  • To: Ken Bour <ken.bour@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: Re: [gnso-improvem-impl-sc] WG Self-Assessment Questionnaire (Draft v3)
  • From: "Mike O'Connor" <mike@xxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 5 Jul 2013 11:07:50 -0500

hi Ken,

i'm on board with all your proposed changes.  i think this is getting really 
close to "ship it!" for me.  :-)


On Jul 4, 2013, at 11:28 AM, Ken Bour <ken.bour@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> SCI Team Members:
> After our last teleconference (2 July), I continued my own evaluation of the 
> questionnaire looking for ways to sharpen and improve it including addressing 
> your feedback received thus far. I developed a new Draft v3 for your review 
> at: https://community.icann.org/x/eEZ-Ag.
> In this version of the questionnaire, I made the following substantive 
> changes:
> The "Expertise" question (Section II) was modified in an attempt to address 
> Ron's observation about the expected variability in team members’ 
> knowledge/skill.
> Tangential to Ron’s concern, I added a new disclaimer in the note just before 
> Section II to explain how respondents might approach the challenge of 
> assigning individual ratings to complex dimensions.
> In Section V, I substituted "Engagement" for "Participation" and changed the 
> wording of the first question to address Wolf-Ulrich's feedback entered as a 
> comment to Draft v2.
> I elected to break out Personal Dimensions and Demographics into two 
> independent sections. Each one represents a logically distinct category; 
> furthermore, the table headings simply did not apply correctly to the 
> Demographics questions.
> Added a third question to the Personal Dimensions which I labeled 
> "Willingness-to-Serve" for want of a better noun. This question seeks to 
> understand whether the WG experience influences one's propensity to serve 
> again in the future assuming all other conditions (e.g., topic, need/fit, 
> availability) are favorable. In other words, are we systematically building 
> or eroding volunteer capacity?
> I look forward to your feedback on this third iteration of the WG 
> Self-Assessment instrument.
> As you may know, I will not be present in Durban; however, if the team wishes 
> to continue working on this project and would like my involvement, I am 
> willing to join in any/all sessions remotely if technical conditions (e.g., 
> room connections) permit.
> Regards,
> Ken

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