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Re: [gnso-improvem-impl-sc] Actions/Next Meeting is 17 December

  • To: Avri Doria <avri@xxxxxxx>, Thomas Rickert <rickert@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: Re: [gnso-improvem-impl-sc] Actions/Next Meeting is 17 December
  • From: Julie Hedlund <julie.hedlund@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 14 Jan 2014 06:07:47 -0800

Dear Avri and Thomas,

Thank you very much for your comments on this issue.  I have captured them
and will have them ready in the Adobe Connect room for today's meeting.

Best regards,


Julie Hedlund, Policy Director

On 12/17/13 2:45 PM, "Avri Doria" <avri@xxxxxxx> wrote:

>Thanks for sending this. I unfortunately found out that I have an ATRT2
>meeting in conflict today, so will miss this meeting.  I will come back
>and listen to the recording.
>Which makes me think that some of the criteria  below might be obviated
>by listening to a call or participating in discussion on the list (or
>elsewhere if we ever modernize our working methods).  Anyway will be
>interested to hear what comes out of the discussion.
>On 17-Dec-13 13:48, Thomas Rickert wrote:
>> All,
>> thanks to Avri for sending her ideas on the subject we have been tasked
>> with (item no. 3.)
>> Please find below my 5 cent on the e-mail voting topic based on her
>> thoughts:
>> 1. Generally, those Councillors that are present in physical or remote
>> meetings should vote. Where a Councillor cannot participate in a
>> meeting, a proxy or an alternate should be appointed.
>> 2. Submitting votes by e-mail voting should be the exception.
>> 3. E-Mail voting can be allowed at the GNSO Council Chair's discretion
>> both for individuals as well as for the whole Council.
>> 4. The GNSO Council Chair shall only grant the possibility to vote by
>> e-mail
>> a) to individual Councillors if the Councillor has attended the
>> discussion on the motion and was unable to participate in the vote.
>> b) to the Council as a whole subject to the following conditions, which
>> must be present cumulatively:
>> - the motion to be voted on has been sufficiently discussed by the
>> Council and no further discussion was asked for by one or more
>> - conducting the vote at the next scheduled meeting of the Council would
>> prevent that progress is made which is regarded important by the Council
>> 5. The GNSO Council Chair will send the motion and the time frame for
>> submitting votes to the GNSO Council mailing list with at least 48 hours
>> notice on week days.
>> 6. E-mails containing votes shall be sent to the GNSO Secretariat with a
>> subject specifying the motion as previously announced by the GNSO
>> Secretariat to the GNSO Council mailing list. E-mails containing votes
>> must not be sent to the GNSO Council mailing list to prevent strategic
>> voting.
>> 7. The GNSO Secretariat shall ensure that e-mail votes received are
>> authentic either by confirming the vote with the respective Councillor
>> through a communication channel other than e-mail or via means of
>> digital signature of the e-mail containing the vote.
>> 8. The GNSO Secretariat will publish the results of the vote as soon as
>> practically possible after expiry of the voting deadline or the
>> completion of the vote, whichever is earlier.
>> Thanks,
>> Thomas
>> Am 03.12.2013 um 22:08 schrieb Julie Hedlund <julie.hedlund@xxxxxxxxx
>> <mailto:julie.hedlund@xxxxxxxxx>>:
>>> Dear SCI members,
>>> Please see the actions from the meeting on 03 December 2013. Our next
>>> meeting is scheduled for 17 December 20:00 UTC for 1 hour (12:00 PST ,
>>> 15:00 EST,  20:00 London, 21:00 CET ‹ a separate notice will be sent
>>> with teleconference information).  As agreed in Buenos Aires the SCI
>>> will revert to a 2-week schedule when it has outstanding items,
>>> although to avoid the New Year holiday the meeting following 17
>>> December will be on 07 January.
>>> Best regards,
>>> Julie
>>> Julie Hedlund, Policy Director
>>> 1.  Working Group Self-Assessment:  Mikey O'Conner and Ron Andruff
>>> will enage Ken to draft a message for Mikey to send to the WG to
>>> retake the survey and set a deadline for 2 weeks (17 December).  Julie
>>> Hedlund will send the summary of the previous survey to the SCI list
>>> (done).
>>> 2  Re-Submitting a Motion: Greg Shatan will re-write B Limitations and
>>> Exceptions #4 to change "tabled" to "deferred" and make other
>>> adjustments as discussed.  SCI members will send the revised language
>>> to their constituencies to get feedback by a 2-week deadline (17
>>> December).  Continue discussion on whether "consent" is needed before
>>> "agenda" in item A Rule, #3.
>>> 3.  Voting by Email:  Avri Doria and Thomas Rickert will work on an
>>> approach.
>>> 4.  Waiver/Exception to GNSO Operating Procedures:  Continue
>>> discussion on the next call and on the list.
>>> 5.  AOB: Next meeting is 17 December and the SCI will move back to a
>>> 2-week schedule when it has outstanding items (excepting meetings that
>>> fall on holidays).

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