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Re: [gnso-improvem-impl-sc] Actions/Next Meeting is 17 December

  • To: "gnso-improvem-impl-sc@xxxxxxxxx" <gnso-improvem-impl-sc@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: Re: [gnso-improvem-impl-sc] Actions/Next Meeting is 17 December
  • From: Avri Doria <avri@xxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 17 Dec 2013 14:45:46 -0500


Thanks for sending this. I unfortunately found out that I have an ATRT2 meeting in conflict today, so will miss this meeting. I will come back and listen to the recording.

Which makes me think that some of the criteria below might be obviated by listening to a call or participating in discussion on the list (or elsewhere if we ever modernize our working methods). Anyway will be
interested to hear what comes out of the discussion.


On 17-Dec-13 13:48, Thomas Rickert wrote:
thanks to Avri for sending her ideas on the subject we have been tasked
with (item no. 3.)

Please find below my 5 cent on the e-mail voting topic based on her

1. Generally, those Councillors that are present in physical or remote
meetings should vote. Where a Councillor cannot participate in a
meeting, a proxy or an alternate should be appointed.

2. Submitting votes by e-mail voting should be the exception.

3. E-Mail voting can be allowed at the GNSO Council Chair's discretion
both for individuals as well as for the whole Council.

4. The GNSO Council Chair shall only grant the possibility to vote by

a) to individual Councillors if the Councillor has attended the
discussion on the motion and was unable to participate in the vote.

b) to the Council as a whole subject to the following conditions, which
must be present cumulatively:

- the motion to be voted on has been sufficiently discussed by the
Council and no further discussion was asked for by one or more Councillors
- conducting the vote at the next scheduled meeting of the Council would
prevent that progress is made which is regarded important by the Council

5. The GNSO Council Chair will send the motion and the time frame for
submitting votes to the GNSO Council mailing list with at least 48 hours
notice on week days.

6. E-mails containing votes shall be sent to the GNSO Secretariat with a
subject specifying the motion as previously announced by the GNSO
Secretariat to the GNSO Council mailing list. E-mails containing votes
must not be sent to the GNSO Council mailing list to prevent strategic

7. The GNSO Secretariat shall ensure that e-mail votes received are
authentic either by confirming the vote with the respective Councillor
through a communication channel other than e-mail or via means of
digital signature of the e-mail containing the vote.

8. The GNSO Secretariat will publish the results of the vote as soon as
practically possible after expiry of the voting deadline or the
completion of the vote, whichever is earlier.


Am 03.12.2013 um 22:08 schrieb Julie Hedlund <julie.hedlund@xxxxxxxxx

Dear SCI members,

Please see the actions from the meeting on 03 December 2013. Our next
meeting is scheduled for 17 December 20:00 UTC for 1 hour (12:00 PST ,
15:00 EST,  20:00 London, 21:00 CET — a separate notice will be sent
with teleconference information).  As agreed in Buenos Aires the SCI
will revert to a 2-week schedule when it has outstanding items,
although to avoid the New Year holiday the meeting following 17
December will be on 07 January.

Best regards,

Julie Hedlund, Policy Director

1.  Working Group Self-Assessment:  Mikey O'Conner and Ron Andruff
will enage Ken to draft a message for Mikey to send to the WG to
retake the survey and set a deadline for 2 weeks (17 December).  Julie
Hedlund will send the summary of the previous survey to the SCI list

2  Re-Submitting a Motion: Greg Shatan will re-write B Limitations and
Exceptions #4 to change "tabled" to "deferred" and make other
adjustments as discussed.  SCI members will send the revised language
to their constituencies to get feedback by a 2-week deadline (17
December).  Continue discussion on whether "consent" is needed before
"agenda" in item A Rule, #3.

3.  Voting by Email:  Avri Doria and Thomas Rickert will work on an

4.  Waiver/Exception to GNSO Operating Procedures:  Continue
discussion on the next call and on the list.

5.  AOB: Next meeting is 17 December and the SCI will move back to a
2-week schedule when it has outstanding items (excepting meetings that
fall on holidays).

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