[gnso-improvem-impl-sc] Action items: SCI Meeting 22 July
Dear All, Please find below the action items from the call on 22 July. These also are posted to the wiki at: https://community.icann.org/display/gnsosci/22+July+2014. Our next meeting is scheduled in two weeks on Tuesday, 05 August at 1900 UTC. A separate meeting notice will be sent to the list and will include details concerning remote access. Best regards, Julie Julie Hedlund, Policy Director SCI Meeting Actions 22 July 1. Waiver of 10-Day Motion Deadline: 1) Put the language out for a formal consensus call (consensus must be unanimous); 2) If consensus is achieved combine with other changes to the Operating Procedures for public comment. 2. Remote/Electronic Voting: 1) Take out "regularly scheduled" in both instances where it appears in paragraph 5; 2) Send the revised language out for consensus call (consensus must be unanimous); 3) If consensus is acheived combine with other changes to the Operating Procedures for public comment. Attachment:
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