[gnso-improvem-impl-sc] Update re: SCI Sub Teams A and B
Dear SCI members, As you may recall, in December SCI members were asked to volunteer for two Sub Teams for the two work items requested by the GNSO Council. Sub Team A will consider the next step in in relation to the Council practice for proposing, seconding and amending motions, while Sub Team B will take on the newest request relating to the GNSO Council Chair and Vice-Chair elections. Details of both Council requests can be found here: https://community.icann.org/x/hgjxAg. Here are the current volunteers for the Sub Teams: Sub Team A: Angie Graves, Wofl-Ulrich Knoben (as a participant), and Sara Bockey. Sub Team B: Anne Aikman-Scalese, Angie Graves, Wofl-Ulrich Knoben (as a member), Anne Aikman-Scalese, and Sara Bockey. As agreed at our last SCI meeting each Sub Team is expected to begin its work in January, with a first preliminary report to be provided at the next SCI meeting, to be scheduled for February. Staff will be contacting the Sub Teams to set up meetings. Kind regards, Julie Julie Hedlund, Policy Director Attachment: