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Civil society-At-large: two different stakeholder groups

  • To: <gnso-improvements-report-2008@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: Civil society-At-large: two different stakeholder groups
  • From: "philemon" <philemon@xxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sun, 20 Apr 2008 23:11:24 +0100

The last GNSO report has proposed that the GNSO council's adopts the more 
collaborative approach -instead of the current legislative one-to improve 
inclusiveness, effectiveness, efficiency. The model proposed will lead to a 
number of stakeholder groups in the structure: Thereby, I have two concerns 


-         I suggest the Civil society and AT-large to be considering as two 
different stakeholder groups, and consequently consided in two different quotas 
of councilors. Indeed, even if, apparently, they all serve the interests of the 
same people, there is a little difference in term of who should work for whom: 
AT-large is most Internet end users-based, while the civil society should also 
take care of people who does not yet begin to use Internet.  

-         It is clear that all different stakeholders groups (business, 
non-commercial users.) will work as a united group, and not as patched 
sub-groups inclined to some selfish behaviors.


Good luck GNSO!


KISSANGOU Jean Philemon
Directeur Technique DRTVnet (ISP)
BP. 2852 Brazzaville Congo
Tel. 002425360396

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