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[gnso-iocrc-dt] FW: OLYMPIC and OLYMPIAD Translations

  • To: "gnso-iocrc-dt@xxxxxxxxx" <gnso-iocrc-dt@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: [gnso-iocrc-dt] FW: OLYMPIC and OLYMPIAD Translations
  • From: Jim Bikoff <jbikoff@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 29 Feb 2012 23:58:57 +0000

Please find attached the initial schedule of the words “Olympic” and “Olympiad” 
translated into 66 representative languages/scripts from 103 countries for use 
during the March 2nd teleconference with GAC members.

We have included the official languages of the following countries:

(1)   All contracted parties to the Nairobi Treaty;
(2)   Countries that have special legislation protecting the marks of the 
Olympic Movement (symbols and words);
(3)   Countries that have or have been chosen to host an Olympiad; and
(4)   Countries that have been delegated one or more Internationalized Domain 

We have also made sure we have covered languages commonly and currently in use 
for domain names on the Internet.

For your convenience and that of the group as a whole, we have two spreadsheets 
sorted by Country and Language respectively.  They contain the same information.

As discussed previously, we believe that the true scope of protection should 
extend to all languages used for domain names.  We are prepared to expand the 
list and provide additional translations accordingly.

We hope you find this information helpful.  Please let us know if you have any 

Best regards,


James L. Bikoff
Silverberg, Goldman & Bikoff, LLP
1101 30th Street, NW
Suite 120
Washington, DC 20007
Tel: 202-944-3303
Fax: 202-944-3306

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