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[gnso-iocrc-dt] OLYMPIC and OLYMPIAD Translation

  • To: "gnso-iocrc-dt@xxxxxxxxx" <gnso-iocrc-dt@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: [gnso-iocrc-dt] OLYMPIC and OLYMPIAD Translation
  • From: Jim Bikoff <jbikoff@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 1 Mar 2012 00:26:24 +0000

Sorry, the attachment was missing from my last email.

James L. Bikoff
Silverberg, Goldman & Bikoff, LLP
1101 30th Street, NW
Suite 120
Washington, DC 20007
Tel: 202-944-3303
Fax: 202-944-3306

Attachment: Initial Schedule of Languages for IOC Protection 2_29_12.xls
Description: Initial Schedule of Languages for IOC Protection 2_29_12.xls

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