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[gnso-irtp-pdp-jun08] Statement of Interest for Marc Trachtenberg
- To: <gnso-irtp-pdp-jun08@xxxxxxxxx>
- Subject: [gnso-irtp-pdp-jun08] Statement of Interest for Marc Trachtenberg
- From: "Trachtenberg, Marc H." <MTrachtenberg@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Date: Mon, 11 Aug 2008 13:55:32 -0500
Dear All,
I am a member of the law firm of Winston & Strawn LLP. We represent
many corporate domain name owners, including large corporations with
branded web sites as well as domain name internet advertisers, most
being in the Commercial & Business constituency (although there may be
some in the Internet Service & Connection Providers, and Non-Commercial
constituencies). The law firm's representations often include
transferring domain names relating to business transactions and
litigation (both US Federal Actions, UDRP's, and enforcement actions in
non-US jurisdictions).
Other than the above mentioned relationships, I have no known direct
involvement with any other ICANN constituency, supporting organization,
or advisory committee.
Marc H. Trachtenberg
Winston & Strawn LLP
35 West Wacker Drive
Chicago, IL 60601-9703
T: +1 (312) 558-7964
F: +1 (312) 558-5700
C: +1 (773) 677-3305
bio <http://www.winston.com/index.cfm?contentID=24&itemID=15281> |
vcard <http://www.winston.com/sitefiles/wsvcard/15281.vcf> | email
<mailto:MTrachtenberg@xxxxxxxxxxx> | www.winston.com
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