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RE: [gnso-irtp-pdp-jun08] one other request for Marika -- a preliminary flow chart
- To: Marika Konings <marika.konings@xxxxxxxxx>, "Mike O'Connor" <mike@xxxxxxxxxx>, "Gnso-irtp-pdp-jun08@xxxxxxxxx" <gnso-irtp-pdp-jun08@xxxxxxxxx>
- Subject: RE: [gnso-irtp-pdp-jun08] one other request for Marika -- a preliminary flow chart
- From: "Trachtenberg, Marc H." <MTrachtenberg@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Date: Thu, 13 Nov 2008 10:02:09 -0600
Quick question? For scenarios 1-3, is there an issue of whether the registrars
are contractually able to transfer domain names to another registrar without
approval from the registrant? The registration agreement is the contract
between the registrant and registrar. I do not recall ever seeing a provision
in a registration agreement allowing the registrar to freely transfer any
domain name to another registrar. Additionally, is it possible that doing so
would violate the RAA?
Marc H. Trachtenberg
Winston & Strawn LLP
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From: owner-gnso-irtp-pdp-jun08@xxxxxxxxx
[mailto:owner-gnso-irtp-pdp-jun08@xxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Marika Konings
Sent: Thursday, November 13, 2008 3:59 AM
To: Mike O'Connor; Gnso-irtp-pdp-jun08@xxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: [gnso-irtp-pdp-jun08] one other request for Marika -- a
preliminary flow chart
Dear All,
In order to develop a flow chart as requested by Mike O'Conner, we believe it
is first necessary to define in further detail the different bulk transfer
scenarios and determine which conditions, if any, need to apply to each
scenario. In order to facilitate this discussion, Olof and I have made a first
attempt of defining the different partial bulk transfer scenarios that have
been discussed. This outline could form the basis for our next discussion.
Please feel free to circulate any other scenarios that should be added to the
mailing list.
Scenario I - Partial Bulk Transfer following ICANN accreditation of a reseller
A reseller becomes an ICANN accredited registrar and may decide to become the
registrar or record for those domain names for which it has been accredited.
Scenario II - Partial Bulk Transfer between registrars
A registrar may decided to move a certain number of domain names to another
registrar, e.g. linked to one gTLD because there is agreement to no longer sell
domain names in the gTLD in question.
Scenario III - Partial Bulk Transfer in case of a (partial) merger or
acquisition involving a registrar
As a result of a partial merger or acquisition by a registrar, a number, but
not all, domain names are transferred to the new registrar.
Scenario IV - Partial Bulk Transfer initiated by a registrant
A registrant decides to move part of his/her portfolio, but not all, e.g. as
part of a partial merger or acquisition.
A next step might be for the group to identify the different questions for each
scenario which might define whether a different approach for each scenario is
required. Some of the questions that would need to be addressed include; should
a fee apply, notification/opt-out possibility, renewal, min/max number, etc.
With best regards,
On 11/11/08 5:05 PM, "Mike O'Connor" <mike@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
hi all,
as Paul wrapped up the call with some action-items for Marika, i was
itching to get in there with one more request. could Marika come up
with a preliminary version of a flow chart (like the one at line 301
in the draft) of the sequence of steps in the partial bulk transfer
process? purely for discussion purposes of course. it would be
really helpful for me to puzzle through this stuff.
thanks. sorry i soaked up so much time late in our call -- i didn't
mean to do that.
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