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[gnso-irtpc] Mp3 / IRTP C PDP / 28 February 2012

  • To: "gnso-irtpc@xxxxxxxxx" <gnso-irtpc@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: [gnso-irtpc] Mp3 / IRTP C PDP / 28 February 2012
  • From: Nathalie Peregrine <nathalie.peregrine@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 28 Feb 2012 10:28:21 -0800

Dear All,

Please find the MP3 recording of the Inter-Registrar Transfer Policy (IRTP) C 
working group call held on Tuesday, 28 February 2012 @ 1500 UTC on page:

on page:

The transcript will be posted on the same page.

The contents of the AC chat can be found at the bottom of this email.

Mike O'Connor - CBUC
Kevin Erdman - IPC
Chris Chaplow - CBUC
Roy Dykes - RySG
Philip Corwin - CBUC
Simonetta Batteiger - RrSG
James Bladel -co-chair
Avri Doria - co-chair
Matt Serlin - RrSG
Michele Neylon - RrSG
Bob Mountain - Registrar SG
Angie Graves - CBUC
Jonathan Tenenbaum - RrSG
Rob Golding - RrSG

ICANN Staff:
Marika Konings
Glen de St Gery
Gisella Gruber

Alain Berranger - NPOC
Jacob Williams- Individual

IRTP C Members:
Erick Iriarte Ahon
Alain Berranger
Simonetta Batteiger
James M. Bladel
Chris Chaplow
Phil Corwin
Paul Diaz
Roy Dykes
Avri Doria
Hago Dafalla
Kevin Erdman
Rob Golding
Volker Greimann
Oliver Hope
Zahid Jamil
Bob Mountain
Michele Neylon
Mike O'Connor
Matt Serlin
Jonathan Tenenbaum
Barbara Steele
Rob Villeneuve
Jacob Williams

Archives: http://forum.icann.org/lists/gnso-irtpc/
Wiki Space: https://community.icann.org/display/gnsoirtppdpwg/Home

** Please let me know if your name has been left off the list ** Mailing list 
archives http://forum.icann.org/lists/gnso-irtp-b-jun09/

Kind regards,
Nathalie Peregrine for

GNSO Secretariat

AC Chat Room:

  Marika Konings:IRTP Part C WG Meeting - 28 February 2012

  Michele Neylon:dialing in now ..

  Michele Neylon:though the BC membership was confusing :)

 Chris Chaplow:Just joind, apologies for late......long call with BC Chair

  Marika Konings:Jonathan Tenenbaum has joined the call

  Simonetta Batteiger:Thank you for doing the report out Mikey!


  Michele Neylon:Mikey's mindmap thingy is cool


  Nathalie  Peregrine:Rob Golding has joined the call

  Simonetta Batteiger:we probably should...

  Michele Neylon:I don't know ..

  Marika Konings:I don't think the group fixed a time / date for a next meeting

  Marika Konings:or at least, not that I recall

  Simonetta Batteiger:it is.... I'm fine to speak! :-)


  Rob Golding (othello):.uk - you just "push" them to the new registrar - job 
done :)

  Rob Golding (othello):with most awkward being .ie, and confusing .eu

  Michele Neylon:yes

  Rob Golding (othello):.eu dont really "transfer" though - they re/register a 
new domain when it moves

  Rob Golding (othello):ok :)

  Michele Neylon:prior to multi-year it was a mess

  Michele Neylon:every change of registrar restarted the clock

  avri:As I said, there are several models developing.  But right, there is no 
model since all of them require some interaction with epp beyond what is in the 
current requirements.

  Simonetta Batteiger:this is part of "James's Design principles" collection

  Simonetta Batteiger:that list has been started, but is not yet done..

  Michele Neylon:.xxx is self proclaimed

  Michele Neylon:you just say that you are

  Michele Neylon:end of

  Michele Neylon:self validation or whatever

  Rob Golding (othello):I play a guitar (very badly) do I qualify for .music or 
am i limited to .noise ?

  Matt Serlin:sorry...how did we get onto the topic of membership and 
confirmation of registrants?

  Michele Neylon:Rob - you should be able to have a .music :)

  Michele Neylon:Matt - it's related to transfers / change of control

  Bob Mountain:You can get .Music but it's as a premium domain   ;)

  Matt Serlin:we started on a path of transferring ownership...not validating

  Michele Neylon:ie. if you are now qualified is the new registrant qualified

  Michele Neylon:ie. can the transfer take place

  Michele Neylon:so it's kind of off topic

  Michele Neylon:but we need to discuss it :)

  Michele Neylon:So can we park this on the bassis that we've now discussed it

  Matt Serlin:that i'd agree with

  Simonetta Batteiger:agree with Avri, that we should not define how to 
authenticate, but there can be a placeholder in the process stating just 
generically that "registry may approve/decline transfer based on their 
authentication rules" or something like that

  Michele Neylon:Is Avri's line breaking up a bit of is that on my end

  Michele Neylon:Simonetta - it should be mentioned somehow

  Bob Mountain:I'm hearing it to but stopped now.

  Bladel:also heard it temporarily

  Michele Neylon:seems this si the way to shut me up :)

  Michele Neylon:the problem was on my end

  Michele Neylon::)

  Simonetta Batteiger:who would take this "heads up" back to the GNSO / gTLD 

  Michele Neylon:ICANN staff maybe?

  Simonetta Batteiger:Marika?

  Michele Neylon:Roy

  Michele Neylon:Roy

  Michele Neylon:Roy

  Michele Neylon:Roy

  Michele Neylon:Roy

  Michele Neylon:/me ducks

  Roy Dykes -- RySG:I don't have any comments at this time, Michele :)

  Michele Neylon:And Jontathan

  Michele Neylon:Jonathan is very quiet :)

  Jonathan Tenenbaum 2:Sorry, I was trying to unmute the phone and got 

  Marika Konings:Not sure how staff would / could address this? Wouldn't an 
exception process do the trick without needing to go into details?

  Marika Konings:As suggested by Simonetta above.

  Michele Neylon:not all cctlds are run by public bodies

  Michele Neylon:based on some basic research we've done

  Simonetta Batteiger:I think all it would take is to send an email to both 
stating something like "we want you to be aware of this conversation", here are 
the implications...

  Michele Neylon:I had percentages somewhere

  Michele Neylon:Simonetta +1

  Marika Konings:Maybe I missed the question, but who are 'both'?

  Marika Konings:I thought you were referring to authentication issue

  Simonetta Batteiger:GNSO and gTLD policy teams at ICANN

  Marika Konings:I still may be missing something, but isn't it up to the 
registry to set any kind of authentication policy they deem appropriate in line 
with their TLD?

  Simonetta Batteiger:true, but they probably look to advice and isn't it that 
they need to submit their policy for approval to ICANN?

  Matt Serlin:him?

  Marika Konings:and if this process wants to respect such authentication 
policies, it could foresee an exception (i.e. change of control should not 
overrule any other policies that may make new registrant ineligible)

  Matt Serlin:dominating???

  Michele Neylon:/me runs off and hides

  Michele Neylon:hey we're the smallest registrar on this call

  Michele Neylon:I think Rob's got loads of co.uk s :)

  Jonathan Tenenbaum 2:haha...  I'm just trying to keep up with all you guys!

  Rob Golding (othello):@michele - loads of them for "ideas" that never found 
time to implement too :)

  Michele Neylon::)

  Simonetta Batteiger:sorry, have a hard stop today, need to leave the 
conversation now...

  Jonathan Tenenbaum 2:Same here.  Take care everyone!

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