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[gnso-irtpc] Mp3 / IRTP C PDP / 08 May 2012

  • To: "gnso-irtpc@xxxxxxxxx" <gnso-irtpc@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: [gnso-irtpc] Mp3 / IRTP C PDP / 08 May 2012
  • From: Nathalie Peregrine <nathalie.peregrine@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 9 May 2012 05:11:16 -0700

(with AC chat added at the bottom)

Dear All,

Please find the MP3 recording of the Inter-Registrar Transfer Policy (IRTP) C 
working group call held on Tuesday, 8th May 2012 @ 1400 UTC on page:

on page:

The transcript will be posted on the same page.

The contents of the AC chat can be found at the bottom of this email.

Mike O'Connor - CBUC
James Bladel -co-chair
Hago Dafalla - NCSG
Chris Chaplow - CBUC
Roy Dykes - RySG
Simonetta Batteiger - RrSG
Jonathan Tenenbaum - RrSG
Angie Graves - CBUC
Rob Golding - RrSG
Michele Neylon - RrSG
Avri Doria - co-Chair

ICANN Staff:
Marika Konings
Nathalie Peregrine

Paul Diaz - RrSg
Philip Corwin - CBUC
Matt Serlin - RrSG
Bob Mountain - Rr SG
Kevin Erdman - IPC
Barbara Knight - RrSG
Alain Berranger - NPOC

IRTP C Members:
Alain Berranger
Simonetta Batteiger
James M. Bladel
Chris Chaplow
Phil Corwin
Paul Diaz
Roy Dykes
Avri Doria
Hago Dafalla
Kevin Erdman
Rob Golding
Volker Greimann
Oliver Hope
Zahid Jamil
Bob Mountain
Michele Neylon
Mike O'Connor
Matt Serlin
Jonathan Tenenbaum
Barbara Knight
Rob Villeneuve
Jacob Williams

Archives: http://forum.icann.org/lists/gnso-irtpc/
Wiki Space: https://community.icann.org/display/gnsoirtppdpwg/Home

** Please let me know if your name has been left off the list **

Kind regards,
Nathalie Peregrine for

GNSO Secretariat

AC Chat Room: 08 May 2012

  Marika Konings:IRTP Part C WG Meeting - 8 May 2012

  Michele Neylon:I'm pondering socialism

  Marika Konings:Simonetta and Jonathan have joined the call

  Nathalie  Peregrine:Jonathan and simonetta have just joined the adobe and the 
audio bridge

  Simonetta Batteiger:my line is really bad, I'll hang up and dial in again

  Nathalie  Peregrine:If you carry on having issues Simonetta, we can dial out 
to you

  avri:Essentially 1 month to get it ready if we still aim at June

  Nathalie  Peregrine:Rob Golding has joined the call

  Michele Neylon:+1

  Michele Neylon:nah

  Marika Konings:Please see the new template we've developed to track 
attendance for WGs and which will be linked in the Initial Report 

  Nathalie  Peregrine:Hago Dafallo has joined the audio bridge

  Simonetta Batteiger:can we describe the question (and potentially a couple of 
ways to resolve this) as part of the report?

  avri:any scope isue on the charter is g-council territory


  avri:as for the g-council or Board not wanting to make policy, that is an 
opne question, but beyond this group.

  Simonetta Batteiger:he did, but we did not yet talk about it

  Jonathan Tenenbaum:Good catch James

  Jonathan Tenenbaum:Michele was saying he was pondering socialism..   ;)

  Michele Neylon:yes

  Rob Golding (othello):due to expiry of FoA ?

  Michele Neylon:it was a question about statements of interest etc

  Michele Neylon:declaring myself a communist or socialist ..

  Jonathan Tenenbaum:I was making the comment in light of the French 
conversation in the background of the call..  In light of the recent election..

  avri:I am assuming that this is an introduction and we will review the 
report, or at least issues in the report, in a later meeting.  Is that a 
correct assumption?

  Michele Neylon:Isn't that why we have public comment periods etc?

  Michele Neylon:The only people who get involved in ICANN have skin in the game

  Michele Neylon:so you get registrars

  Michele Neylon:registries

  Michele Neylon:domainer

  Michele Neylon:s

  Michele Neylon:and a few others

  Michele Neylon:normal users don't care

  Michele Neylon:she's right, but it's the problem that ALL ICANN WG's face

  avri:i don't think that 'users dont care' or registrants for that matter is a 
true stmt.

  avri:i think they don't know how to care, or don't understand the issues.

  Simonetta Batteiger:I think ICANN and all the workgroups share this challenge 
with lack of input from these people

  Michele Neylon:avri - most normal users aren't interested. They just expect 
stuff to work

  Michele Neylon:they only start to care when stuff goes wrong

  Simonetta Batteiger:I'm just wondering what we can do to actually get their 
input (if anything)

  Michele Neylon:or when they're a victim of some kind of fraud

  avri:i know lots of normal users, people not in the industry.  and whenver 
things go wrong they wonder how is it this doesn't work and wonder why.  and 
they they speculate on why it doesn't work.

  Michele Neylon:Simonetta - I've tried outreach via our newsletters, blog etc.,

  Simonetta Batteiger:have we reached out to ALAC?

  Michele Neylon:avri - yes - they wonder when things don't work. They won't 
care when stuff is just working

  Marika Konings:ALAC was asked for input at the start of the WG

  Marika Konings:like the GAC, ccNSO and SSAC

  avri:do we really care when stuff is working? would we have a PDP on 
everything is fine in IRTP.

  Jonathan Tenenbaum:have to jum for an 11.  Take care all!

  Jonathan Tenenbaum:er.. jump

  Michele Neylon:gotta go as well

  Michele Neylon:need to go yell at people

  Simonetta Batteiger:also have another call starting now, will need to jump 
off soon

  avri:i also have to bail.

  avri:we should read the report before next week.

  avri:and possible ask Bob to join us in the offline

  Simonetta Batteiger:I will send out a new doodle


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