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[gnso-irtpc] Mp3 / IRTP C PDP / 15 May 2012

  • To: "gnso-irtpc@xxxxxxxxx" <gnso-irtpc@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: [gnso-irtpc] Mp3 / IRTP C PDP / 15 May 2012
  • From: Nathalie Peregrine <nathalie.peregrine@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 15 May 2012 08:05:02 -0700

Dear All,

Please find the MP3 recording of the Inter-Registrar Transfer Policy (IRTP) C 
working group call held on Tuesday, 15th May 2012 @ 1400 UTC on page:

on page:

The transcript will be posted on the same page.

The contents of the AC chat can be found at the bottom of this email.

Mike O'Connor - CBUC
James Bladel -co-chair
Simonetta Batteiger - RrSG
Jonathan Tenenbaum - RrSG
Rob Golding - RrSG
Michele Neylon - RrSG
Philip Corwin - CBUC
Bob Mountain - Rr SG
Kevin Erdman - IPC
Angie Graves - CBUC

ICANN Staff:
Marika Konings
Nathalie Peregrine

Paul Diaz - RrSg
Matt Serlin - RrSG
Avri Doria - co-Chair
Barbara Knight - RrSG
Alain Berranger - NPOC
Roy Dykes - RySG
Hago Dafalla - NCSG

IRTP C Members:
Alain Berranger
Simonetta Batteiger
James M. Bladel
Chris Chaplow
Phil Corwin
Paul Diaz
Roy Dykes
Avri Doria
Hago Dafalla
Kevin Erdman
Rob Golding
Volker Greimann
Oliver Hope
Zahid Jamil
Bob Mountain
Michele Neylon
Mike O'Connor
Matt Serlin
Jonathan Tenenbaum
Barbara Knight
Rob Villeneuve
Jacob Williams

Archives: http://forum.icann.org/lists/gnso-irtpc/
Wiki Space: https://community.icann.org/display/gnsoirtppdpwg/Home

** Please let me know if your name has been left off the list **

Kind regards,
Nathalie Peregrine for

GNSO Secretariat

AC Chat Room: 15 May 2012

  Marika Konings:IRTP Part C WG Meeting - 15 May 2012

  Michele Neylon:I'll be late dialing in

  Mikey O'Connor:on hold...  be there soon.

  Bob Mountain:ok then, we can start now that Mikey's here!  :)

  Mikey O'Connor:ol

  Mikey O'Connor:oops...  "out loud"?

  Mikey O'Connor:lol

  Mikey O'Connor:what event is happening today?  took a lot of people away...

  Bob Mountain:Conflicting meeting in Europe.

  Michele Neylon:sorry - issues int he office

  Michele Neylon:dialing in now

  Mikey O'Connor:+1

  Bob Mountain:your welcome, team effort

  Michele Neylon:yay

  Michele Neylon:/me smacks head off desk

  Michele Neylon:I can't this week

  Michele Neylon:I have awards to go to

  Michele Neylon:Monday would probably wokr

  Michele Neylon:Thursday = no go for me

  Jonathan Tenenbaum:Awards?  I think we need more info on that!

  Rob Golding (Othello)::)

  Michele Neylon:Jonathan - socialmediaawards.com

  Mikey O'Connor:you getting one?

  Michele Neylon:we're shortlisted for 4

  Michele Neylon:no idea if we'll win any

  Michele Neylon:but I'm hoping we might get one :)

  Mikey O'Connor:break a leg

  Michele Neylon:I need to step away from this call

  Michele Neylon:James is doing wonderfully :)P

  Jonathan Tenenbaum:good stuff Michele.. good luck!

  Marika Konings:And also .no made a change from paper to automated system

  Rob Golding (Othello):.uk made it easier (and lowered the price they charge 
from £30 to £10) but it's still a formal process and often involves faxes of ID 

  Rob Golding (Othello):I agree with Mikey - criticising someone who provided 
us "help" is bad form

  Bob Mountain:Do we have to make judgement or could they just be attributes?

  Simonetta Batteiger:that was what I was trying to say Bob...

  Simonetta Batteiger:it's a learning somebody made...

  Simonetta Batteiger:how about phrasing it as "learnings and feedback received 

  Simonetta Batteiger:James & Mikey: you're so American! ;-)

  Simonetta Batteiger:German style is a lot more direct... ;-)

  Simonetta Batteiger:or in your perception rude... ;-)

  Simonetta Batteiger:I'm joking!

  Simonetta Batteiger:don't take me so seriously...

  Mikey O'Connor:German humor...

  Mikey O'Connor:we didn't use the information, we didn't ask for the 
information, it doesn't address the question that was ask

  Bob Mountain:Not a hill to die on for me.


  Mikey O'Connor:this is a hill to die for for me

  Mikey O'Connor:consumer evaluations of ccNSO practices is not in our brief

  Mikey O'Connor:there are lots of other ways to support the "simpler is 
better" notion than using ccNSO practices

  Simonetta Batteiger:that's why I brought up including it in the impact 
statement rather than this summary

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