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[gnso-lockpdp-wg] RE: For your review by 25 July 2012

  • To: "'Marika Konings'" <marika.konings@xxxxxxxxx>, "'Gnso-lockpdp-wg@xxxxxxxxx'" <Gnso-lockpdp-wg@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: [gnso-lockpdp-wg] RE: For your review by 25 July 2012
  • From: "Dorrain, Kristine" <kdorrain@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 24 Jul 2012 14:23:35 +0000

Marika, this looks good.  My only question involves the first charter question 
and how we want to present that.  The question addresses steps *complainants* 
must do to obtain a lock, however, only the UDRP  Provider can tell a Registrar 
that a complaint has really been filed (some complainants actually send a UDRP 
complaint to the respondent and registrar and never actually file it-it's rare 
but it's happened) and in the vast majority of cases, Registrars will only 
implement a lock based on a request by the Provider.  I realize that is the 
wording of the charter question, but I wonder if we can ask it differently or 
add a sub-part?  I think we want to know what information from the Provider 
would make a Registrar's life easier.  Or maybe we *do* want to ask if 
Complainants should be submitting something specially to the Registrar (in 
addition to the complaint, which  I believe at least NAF and WIPO require)?  I 
suspect Registrars do not want to hear from complainants, but I think we want 
to know what the Registrar DOES want.

I hope I'm making myself clear.  Or maybe the Registrars on the list can 
clarify that they really do want the complainants to do something.


Kristine Fordahl Dorrain

Director of Internet and IP Services

National Arbitration Forum (FORUM)

Direct  952. 516. 6456

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Suite 470

Email  kdorrain@xxxxxxxxxxxx<mailto:kdorrain@xxxxxxxxxxxx>

Minneapolis, MN  55426


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From: owner-gnso-lockpdp-wg@xxxxxxxxx [mailto:owner-gnso-lockpdp-wg@xxxxxxxxx] 
On Behalf Of Marika Konings
Sent: Thursday, July 19, 2012 1:14 PM
To: Gnso-lockpdp-wg@xxxxxxxxx
Subject: [gnso-lockpdp-wg] For your review by 25 July 2012

Dear All,

As discussed during today's meeting, please find attached for your review the 
proposed public comment forum text, the request for SG/C input and the email to 
request input from other ICANN SO/ACs. Please send any comments / edits and/or 
questions you may have by Wednesday 25 July at 14.00 UTC at the latest.



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