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[gnso-lockpdp-wg] MP3 Locking of a Domain Name subject to URDP proceedings - Thursday 29 November at 15:00 UTC

  • To: "gnso-lockpdp-wg@xxxxxxxxx" <gnso-lockpdp-wg@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: [gnso-lockpdp-wg] MP3 Locking of a Domain Name subject to URDP proceedings - Thursday 29 November at 15:00 UTC
  • From: Julia Charvolen <julia.charvolen@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 29 Nov 2012 11:11:57 -0800

Dear all,

The next Locking of a Domain Name subject to URDP proceedings teleconference is 
scheduled for Thursday 6 December at 15:00 UTC for 1 hour.

Please find the MP3 recording of the Locking of a Domain Name subject to URDP 
proceedings teleconference held on  Thursday 29 November 2012  at 15:00 UTC at:


On page: 

The recordings and transcriptions of the calls are posted on the GNSO Master 
Calendar page:



Laurie Anderson – RrSG

Kristine Dorrain - NAF

Randy Ferguson – IPC

Lisa Garono - IPC

Alan Greenberg - ALAC (Vice-Chair)

Volker Greimann – RrSG

Celia Lerman - CBUC

Michele Neylon – RrSG

David Roache-Turner - WIPO

Juan Manuel Rojas – ALAC

Luc Seufer – RrSG

Matt Schneller - IPC

Faisal Shah - Individual


Gabriela Szlak - CBUC

David Maher - RySG


Marika Konings

Berry Cobb

Julia Charvolen

** Please let me know if your name has been left off the list **

Thank you.

Kind regards,

Julia Charvolen

For GNSO Secretariat

 Adobe Connect Chat transcript:

Marika Konings:Welcome to the UDRP Domain Name Lock WG Meeting of 29 November 
  Michele Neylon:http://christmascracker.biz/
  Juan Manuel Rojas:Good Morning Everyone!
  Marika Konings:IHG = Intercontinental Hotel Groups
  Marika Konings:Luc Seufer has joined the call
  Marika Konings:Randy Ferguson has joined the call
  Luc Seufer:Thank you Alan!
  Laurie Anderson:Of all the complaints we’ve received in the last 6 years, 
we’ve had 1 complaint that was fake.  We will lock based on a complaint filed 
with the provider that we are copied on. We do not wait for the verification or 
  Kristine Dorrain:I think that any recommendation we come up with should 
PERMIT any registrar who WANTS to exceed requirements, like GoDaddy does, to 
continue to do so.
  David Roache-Turner (WIPO):how long does it usually take you to implement the 
lock from receipt laurie?
  Laurie Anderson:Agreed Kristine
  Laurie Anderson:within 24 hrs David
  Luc Seufer:Registrars are not all equiped to do so.
  David Roache-Turner (WIPO):agree with kristine
  Laurie Anderson:usually within 12
  Kristine Dorrain:We're in the same time zone as GoDaddy and we hear back in a 
couple hours in many cases.  :)
  Volker Greimann:including weekends, nights and holidays, Laurie
  David Roache-Turner (WIPO):good target
  Volker Greimann:?
  Laurie Anderson:it's just better than the nightmare of trying to track down a 
name that's traferred to a registrar that will not comply...which has happened.
  Matt Schneller:Luc, what about 1 business day?
  David Roache-Turner (WIPO):fully agree
  Juan Manuel Rojas:sorry, My call was down.
  Laurie Anderson:generally, Volker, we receive notiifcations early in the day. 
Not on weekends/holidays but we generally do not receive those on those days
  Laurie Anderson:1 business day is reasonable
  David Roache-Turner (WIPO):with laurie - cyberflight is a nightmare in those 
cases where it occurss
  Kristine Dorrain:I'm already on the record as agreeing with the "number of 
business days" approach
  David Roache-Turner (WIPO):agree 1 business day is reasonable also
  Volker Greimann:WIPO and NAF are good that way.
  Luc Seufer:as long as business day means the registrar's business day (not 
only US°
  Volker Greimann:not just in your ear, michele
  David Roache-Turner (WIPO):business days(s) are fair enough
  Juan Manuel Rojas:I need re-join me to the call. I  am out
  David Roache-Turner (WIPO):we are observing around 25% of WIPO cases settling 
between the parties prior to panel appointment in effect requiring DN to be 
unlocked to implement
  Kristine Dorrain:Ditto, we see slightly fewer, but still maybe 19%
  Luc Seufer:@David that's somewaht the same percentage we have
  David Roache-Turner (WIPO):data lining up, important that we account for this 
in any receomndations we make - needs to be as simple as possible for all 
  David Roache-Turner (WIPO):it may be as simple as describing the 'standard 
procedure' in simple, easy to use terms;  makes sense to build where we can on 
existing practice
  David Roache-Turner (WIPO):consider codirying existing practice?
  Laurie Anderson:Agreed David. Best practices is a great idea.
  David Roache-Turner (WIPO):x2
  Volker Greimann:agree
  Celia Lerman:+1
  David Roache-Turner (WIPO):its also about the registrars have procedures that 
plug into these, so we need best practice on both sides
  Kristine Dorrain:+1
  Luc Seufer:David, Krisitine your turn to say no to a 24/7 service
  David Roache-Turner (WIPO):re 82, its the gap between the date on which the 
complain is filed and confirmed as lock that matters, not commencement
  David Roache-Turner (WIPO):volker has it right
  Kristine Dorrain:Agree with David.
  David Roache-Turner (WIPO):its not notice of commencement, its notice of 
pendency - commencement is formal notification to the respondent and 
commencement of response period;  locky typically happens during procedural 
compliance well before formal commencement
  David Roache-Turner (WIPO):in respone to the provider registrar verification 
procedure or the filing of the complaint (if eg godaddy)
  David Roache-Turner (WIPO):the UDRP preclude registrant transfer as from 
pendency of the UDRP proceeding
  Luc Seufer:so WG response: "superseded" and we move on?
  David Roache-Turner (WIPO):pendency and commencement need to be 
distinguished, including for reasons kristine mentioned
  Kristine Dorrain:yay!!!!
  Matt Schneller:Complainants still get "notices of deficiency" when pre-lock 
changes are made, so I'm not sure it's superceded.  (And yes, pendency)
  David Roache-Turner (WIPO):tofu
  David Roache-Turner (WIPO):sily alan
  David Roache-Turner (WIPO):silky
  David Roache-Turner (WIPO):silky tofu makes for best results ;)
  Alan Greenberg:That's what I use for many dishes, but hard to call it "meaty".
  David Roache-Turner (WIPO):both high protein anyway
  Matt Schneller:Marika, what are the mechanics at ICANN to update a UDRP Rule?
  Michele Neylon:Matt - a rule in what sense?
  Michele Neylon:Matt - a PDP anyway as it's policy
  Michele Neylon:I like the term "freeze"
  Michele Neylon:#justsaying
  Juan Manuel Rojas:Why Lock is made in 24 hours and unlock in 10 days? It is 
not make sense...
  Kristine Dorrain:The 10 days (if complainant prevails) gives the Respondent a 
chance to sue.
  Matt Schneller:Is the voting on a PDP proposal an up or down vote, or is the 
proposal open for amendments (e.g. by the GNSO)
  Luc Seufer:Wingardium Leviosa domainum! doesn't work? Damn you Mrs Rowling
  Kristine Dorrain:I vote we include Luc's comment inthe best practices 
document.  :)
  Luc Seufer:;-
  Celia Lerman:I believe UDRP reform though has been postponed until after new 
gTLDs are implemented
  Volker Greimann:I like that power of mine
  Volker Greimann:do not take it away
  Kristine Dorrain:thanks Michele and all!
  Matt Schneller:Thanks for drafting this, Marika
  Laurie Anderson:Thanks all!
  Volker Greimann:thank you
  David Roache-Turner (WIPO):ps - 10 businesss days to implementation if no 
commenced court proceedings (4k), 15 business days before registrant can 
transfer without breach of UDRP 8.
  David Roache-Turner (WIPO):thanks all aanyway

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