[gnso-metrep-wg] Proposed Agenda - 04 Dec 2013 21:00 UTC GNSO Metrics & Reporting Meeting
DT Members, Please find below the proposed agenda for our scheduled meeting on Wednesday. Proposed Agenda - MetRep WG Meeting - 4 DECEMBER 2013 @ 21:00 UTC (60 Min): 1. Roll Call / Statements of Interest 2. Summary Update of MetRep Briefing to GNSO Council (transcript) 3. Continue Development of Draft Charter (See section 2 & MindMap) 4. Review Work plan / Confirm Next Meeting BA (11 DEC @ 13:00 UTC) Attachments: 1. MetRep_Transcript - transcript of MetRep status to GNSO Council in BA 2. MetRep_RAPWG_UofR_Extract - contains only the original recommendation regarding Uniformity of Reporting from the RAPWG 3. RAPWG_AlumniGroup_UofR_Comments - is a response from the RAPWG alumni group regarding the Uniformity of Reporting recommendation that requested the issue report for this effort 4. Final_Issue_Report_on_Uniformity_of_Reporting - See sections 4.5, 4.6, 6.2, 6.3, 6.4 5. Metrics_and_Reporting_MM - HTML file of mind map used to categorize our deliberations thus far 6. GNSO_Metrep_WG_Charter - See Section II; a first draft based on DT deliberations Thank you. B Berry Cobb Internet Corporation for Assigned Names & Numbers (ICANN) 720.839.5735 mail@xxxxxxxxxxxxx @berrycobb Attachment:
RAPWG_AlumniGroup_UofR_Comments_July2012.pdf Attachment:
MetRep_RAPWG_UofR_Extract.docx Attachment:
MetRep_Transcript-16nov13-en.pdf <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd"> <html> <head> <title>Metrics and Reporting</title> <style type="text/css"> li { list-style: none; margin: 0; } p { margin: 0; } span.foldopened { color: white; font-size: xx-small; border-width: 1; font-family: monospace; padding: 0em 0.25em 0em 0.25em; background: #e0e0e0; VISIBILITY: visible; cursor:pointer; } span.foldclosed { color: #666666; font-size: xx-small; border-width: 1; font-family: monospace; padding: 0em 0.25em 0em 0.25em; background: #e0e0e0; VISIBILITY: hidden; cursor:pointer; } span.foldspecial { color: #666666; font-size: xx-small; border-style: none solid solid none; border-color: #CCCCCC; border-width: 1; font-family: sans-serif; padding: 0em 0.1em 0em 0.1em; background: #e0e0e0; cursor:pointer; } span.l { color: red; font-weight: bold; } a.mapnode:link {text-decoration: none; color: black; } a.mapnode:visited {text-decoration: none; color: black; } a.mapnode:active {text-decoration: none; color: black; } a.mapnode:hover {text-decoration: none; color: black; background: #eeeee0; } </style> <!-- ^ Position is not set to relative / absolute here because of Mozilla --> </head> <body> <script type="text/javascript"> // Here we implement folding. 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What framework is required? <ul id="fold1_1_1_1" style="POSITION: relative; VISIBILITY: visible;"><li><span id="show1_1_1_1_1" class="foldclosed" onClick="show_folder('1_1_1_1_1')" style="POSITION: absolute">+</span> <span id="hide1_1_1_1_1" class="foldopened" onClick="hide_folder('1_1_1_1_1')">-</span> Within ICANN <ul id="fold1_1_1_1_1" style="POSITION: relative; VISIBILITY: visible;"><li>Contractual Compliance </li> <li>Ry Rr Services </li> </ul> </li> <li><span id="show1_1_1_1_2" class="foldclosed" onClick="show_folder('1_1_1_1_2')" style="POSITION: absolute">+</span> <span id="hide1_1_1_1_2" class="foldopened" onClick="hide_folder('1_1_1_1_2')">-</span> >From Contracted Parties <ul id="fold1_1_1_1_2" style="POSITION: relative; VISIBILITY: visible;"><li>How can we access the data without infringing on competitive advantage (anonymizing the data) </li> </ul> </li> <li>External (SpamHaus, etc </li> </ul> </li> </ul> </li> <li><span id="show1_1_2" class="foldclosed" onClick="show_folder('1_1_2')" style="POSITION: absolute">+</span> <span id="hide1_1_2" class="foldopened" onClick="hide_folder('1_1_2')">-</span> Benefits <ul id="fold1_1_2" style="POSITION: relative; VISIBILITY: visible;"><li>GNSO </li> <li>GNSO Council </li> <li>End of year reporting? </li> </ul> </li> <li><span id="show1_1_3" class="foldclosed" onClick="show_folder('1_1_3')" style="POSITION: absolute">+</span> <span id="hide1_1_3" class="foldopened" onClick="hide_folder('1_1_3')">-</span> Definitions <ul id="fold1_1_3" style="POSITION: relative; VISIBILITY: visible;"><li><span id="show1_1_3_1" class="foldclosed" onClick="show_folder('1_1_3_1')" style="POSITION: absolute">+</span> <span id="hide1_1_3_1" class="foldopened" onClick="hide_folder('1_1_3_1')">-</span> Data vs Metrics <ul id="fold1_1_3_1" style="POSITION: relative; VISIBILITY: visible;"><li>Metrics are a larger framework of which data is a part </li> <li>Metrics includes targets </li> <li>Make metrics a part of policy development </li> </ul> </li> <li>Access, process, targets </li> </ul> </li> <li><span id="show1_1_4" class="foldclosed" onClick="show_folder('1_1_4')" style="POSITION: absolute">+</span> <span id="hide1_1_4" class="foldopened" onClick="hide_folder('1_1_4')">-</span> Deliverables <ul id="fold1_1_4" style="POSITION: relative; VISIBILITY: visible;"><li><span id="show1_1_4_1" class="foldclosed" onClick="show_folder('1_1_4_1')" style="POSITION: absolute">+</span> <span id="hide1_1_4_1" class="foldopened" onClick="hide_folder('1_1_4_1')">-</span> Framework for PDP processes to specify and collect data <ul id="fold1_1_4_1" style="POSITION: relative; VISIBILITY: visible;"><li>Use data to define the problem to be solved </li> <li>Use data to measure whether the problem actually WAS solved </li> </ul> </li> <li><span id="show1_1_4_2" class="foldclosed" onClick="show_folder('1_1_4_2')" style="POSITION: absolute">+</span> <span id="hide1_1_4_2" class="foldopened" onClick="hide_folder('1_1_4_2')">-</span> Enhance/modify work-product templates for the PDP <ul id="fold1_1_4_2" style="POSITION: relative; VISIBILITY: visible;"><li>Charter </li> <li>Various reports </li> </ul> </li> <li><span id="show1_1_4_3" class="foldclosed" onClick="show_folder('1_1_4_3')" style="POSITION: absolute">+</span> <span id="hide1_1_4_3" class="foldopened" onClick="hide_folder('1_1_4_3')">-</span> Expectations as to what will be done with the data <ul id="fold1_1_4_3" style="POSITION: relative; VISIBILITY: visible;"><li>Make sure that the instructions are very tight/clear -- boundaries </li> </ul> </li> </ul> </li> <li><span id="show1_1_5" class="foldclosed" onClick="show_folder('1_1_5')" style="POSITION: absolute">+</span> <span id="hide1_1_5" class="foldopened" onClick="hide_folder('1_1_5')">-</span> Approach <ul id="fold1_1_5" style="POSITION: relative; VISIBILITY: visible;"><li><span id="show1_1_5_1" class="foldclosed" onClick="show_folder('1_1_5_1')" style="POSITION: absolute">+</span> <span id="hide1_1_5_1" class="foldopened" onClick="hide_folder('1_1_5_1')">-</span> Start with an assessment of current effectiveness <ul id="fold1_1_5_1" style="POSITION: relative; VISIBILITY: visible;"><li>Qualitative or quantitative review? </li> <li><span id="show1_1_5_1_1" class="foldclosed" onClick="show_folder('1_1_5_1_1')" style="POSITION: absolute">+</span> <span id="hide1_1_5_1_1" class="foldopened" onClick="hide_folder('1_1_5_1_1')">-</span> Study prior WG efforts to learn what could have been done better <ul id="fold1_1_5_1_1" style="POSITION: relative; VISIBILITY: visible;"><li>Metrics going in </li> <li>Metrics coming out </li> <li>Include Consumer Trust project in that review of WGs </li> </ul> </li> </ul> </li> <li>More about process improvement - brainstorming, less about direct policy development </li> </ul> </li> <li><span id="show1_1_6" class="foldclosed" onClick="show_folder('1_1_6')" style="POSITION: absolute">+</span> <span id="hide1_1_6" class="foldopened" onClick="hide_folder('1_1_6')">-</span> Out of scope <ul id="fold1_1_6" style="POSITION: relative; VISIBILITY: visible;"><li><span id="show1_1_6_1" class="foldclosed" onClick="show_folder('1_1_6_1')" style="POSITION: absolute">+</span> <span id="hide1_1_6_1" class="foldopened" onClick="hide_folder('1_1_6_1')">-</span> Consumer Trust project work and deliverables <ul id="fold1_1_6_1" style="POSITION: relative; VISIBILITY: visible;"><li>Implementation of nGTLD program vs policy-development </li> <li>There may be lessons learned that we can incorporate into this work </li> </ul> </li> <li><span id="show1_1_6_2" class="foldclosed" onClick="show_folder('1_1_6_2')" style="POSITION: absolute">+</span> <span id="hide1_1_6_2" class="foldopened" onClick="hide_folder('1_1_6_2')">-</span> AoC Consumer Trust, Choice & Competition for new gTLDs <ul id="fold1_1_6_2" style="POSITION: relative; VISIBILITY: visible;"><li>Previous GNSO WG Effort </li> <li>Review to start 1 year from 1st delegation </li> <li>IAG now formed to further refine metrics </li> <li>Targeted at nGTLD level </li> <li>Macro vs limited to GNSO </li> </ul> </li> <li><span id="show1_1_6_3" class="foldclosed" onClick="show_folder('1_1_6_3')" style="POSITION: absolute">+</span> <span id="hide1_1_6_3" class="foldopened" onClick="hide_folder('1_1_6_3')">-</span> ICANN Contractual Compliance <ul id="fold1_1_6_3" style="POSITION: relative; VISIBILITY: visible;"><li><p><span id="show1_1_6_3_1" class="foldclosed" onClick="show_folder('1_1_6_3_1')" style="POSITION: absolute">+</span> <span id="hide1_1_6_3_1" class="foldopened" onClick="hide_folder('1_1_6_3_1')">-</span> Wait for CC to complete their 3 year plan before actions will start -- looks like January of next year <ul id="fold1_1_6_3_1" style="POSITION: relative; VISIBILITY: visible;"><li>Provide a briefing at that time </li> <li>GNSO makes determination to see whether more policy work is required </li> </ul><p> </li> </ul> </li> </ul> </li> </ul> </li> <li><span id="show1_2" class="foldclosed" onClick="show_folder('1_2')" style="POSITION: absolute">+</span> <span id="hide1_2" class="foldopened" onClick="hide_folder('1_2')">-</span> Why <ul id="fold1_2" style="POSITION: relative; VISIBILITY: visible;"><li>Provide the basis for fact-based policy making </li> </ul> </li> <li><span id="show1_3" class="foldclosed" onClick="show_folder('1_3')" style="POSITION: absolute">+</span> <span id="hide1_3" class="foldopened" onClick="hide_folder('1_3')">-</span> Where <ul id="fold1_3" style="POSITION: relative; VISIBILITY: visible;"><li>Look at historical examples, i.e. PDP/WG use cases (successes, failures) (IRTP, PEDNR, RAPWG, etc) </li> <li>Interviews of the community members that participated in past efforts </li> </ul> </li> <li><span id="show1_4" class="foldclosed" onClick="show_folder('1_4')" style="POSITION: absolute">+</span> <span id="hide1_4" class="foldopened" onClick="hide_folder('1_4')">-</span> Who provides the data? <ul id="fold1_4" style="POSITION: relative; VISIBILITY: visible;"><li><span id="show1_4_1" class="foldclosed" onClick="show_folder('1_4_1')" style="POSITION: absolute">+</span> <span id="hide1_4_1" class="foldopened" onClick="hide_folder('1_4_1')">-</span> Voluntary or required <ul id="fold1_4_1" style="POSITION: relative; VISIBILITY: visible;"><li><p>Yes, this is a non-PDP effort, meaning any recommendations will not become conensus policy. However reventual recommendations could lead to future PDPs that may have consensus policy requirements. <p>2013 RAA -- brings new abuse reporting requirements -- should be acknowledged in this charter </li> </ul> </li> </ul> </li> <li>What kind of data </li> <li>To whom </li> <li>What will be done with the data </li> <li>Where do the results get sent </li> <li>How the data will be transferred </li> <li>what actions had to be taken </li> <li>how will the WG know when it is done? </li> <li><span id="show1_5" class="foldclosed" onClick="show_folder('1_5')" style="POSITION: absolute">+</span> <span id="hide1_5" class="foldopened" onClick="hide_folder('1_5')">-</span> goals <ul id="fold1_5" style="POSITION: relative; VISIBILITY: visible;"><li><p>make data more understandable <p>make data more available <p>raise awarenes <p><span id="show1_5_1" class="foldclosed" onClick="show_folder('1_5_1')" style="POSITION: absolute">+</span> <span id="hide1_5_1" class="foldopened" onClick="hide_folder('1_5_1')">-</span> provide basis for speedy action/reaction <ul id="fold1_5_1" style="POSITION: relative; VISIBILITY: visible;"><li><span id="show1_5_1_1" class="foldclosed" onClick="show_folder('1_5_1_1')" style="POSITION: absolute">+</span> <span id="hide1_5_1_1" class="foldopened" onClick="hide_folder('1_5_1_1')">-</span> who will take these actions? <ul id="fold1_5_1_1" style="POSITION: relative; VISIBILITY: visible;"><li>WG defines? </li> </ul> </li> </ul><p>Assessment of current metrics and frameworks <p>Update to work product templates to determine what metrics may be necessary to measure success/failure (Charter, Issue Report, WG Reports, Continuous Improvement) </li> </ul> </li> <li><span id="show1_6" class="foldclosed" onClick="show_folder('1_6')" style="POSITION: absolute">+</span> <span id="hide1_6" class="foldopened" onClick="hide_folder('1_6')">-</span> Categories <ul id="fold1_6" style="POSITION: relative; VISIBILITY: visible;"><li><span id="show1_6_1" class="foldclosed" onClick="show_folder('1_6_1')" style="POSITION: absolute">+</span> <span id="hide1_6_1" class="foldopened" onClick="hide_folder('1_6_1')">-</span> Indicators <ul id="fold1_6_1" style="POSITION: relative; VISIBILITY: visible;"><li>show trends </li> <li>inform people </li> <li>avoid overlap </li> </ul> </li> <li><span id="show1_6_2" class="foldclosed" onClick="show_folder('1_6_2')" style="POSITION: absolute">+</span> <span id="hide1_6_2" class="foldopened" onClick="hide_folder('1_6_2')">-</span> How will data be collected? <ul id="fold1_6_2" style="POSITION: relative; VISIBILITY: visible;"><li>impact downstream processes </li> </ul> </li> <li><span id="show1_6_3" class="foldclosed" onClick="show_folder('1_6_3')" style="POSITION: absolute">+</span> <span id="hide1_6_3" class="foldopened" onClick="hide_folder('1_6_3')">-</span> Deliverables <ul id="fold1_6_3" style="POSITION: relative; VISIBILITY: visible;"><li>reporting </li> <li><span id="show1_6_3_1" class="foldclosed" onClick="show_folder('1_6_3_1')" style="POSITION: absolute">+</span> <span id="hide1_6_3_1" class="foldopened" onClick="hide_folder('1_6_3_1')">-</span> scope of availability <ul id="fold1_6_3_1" style="POSITION: relative; VISIBILITY: visible;"><li>worldwide </li> <li>internal </li> <li>constituencies </li> </ul> </li> </ul> </li> </ul> </li> <li><span id="show1_7" class="foldclosed" onClick="show_folder('1_7')" style="POSITION: absolute">+</span> <span id="hide1_7" class="foldopened" onClick="hide_folder('1_7')">-</span> Questions <ul id="fold1_7" style="POSITION: relative; VISIBILITY: visible;"><li><p><span id="show1_7_1" class="foldclosed" onClick="show_folder('1_7_1')" style="POSITION: absolute">+</span> <span id="hide1_7_1" class="foldopened" onClick="hide_folder('1_7_1')">-</span> Are we going to define technologies used, and Are we going to define security/privacy requirements? <ul id="fold1_7_1" style="POSITION: relative; VISIBILITY: visible;"><li>How deep into implementation does the WG go? </li> <li>How does WG coordinate with other teams to avoid overlaps and collisions? </li> </ul><p>How will this be implemented vis a vis the contracted parties? <p>How will CCT metrics influence this effort? </li> </ul> </li> </ul><SCRIPT type="text/javascript"> fold_document(); </SCRIPT> </body> </html> Attachment:
Final Issue Report on Uniformity of Reporting.pdf Attachment:
GNSO_MetRep_WG_Charter_v0.2.doc |