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[gnso-osc-ccc] ACTION ITEMS/SUMMARY: OSC-Communications Work Team 05 August Meeting

  • To: gnso-osc-ccc <gnso-osc-ccc@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: [gnso-osc-ccc] ACTION ITEMS/SUMMARY: OSC-Communications Work Team 05 August Meeting
  • From: Julie Hedlund <julie.hedlund@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 5 Aug 2009 16:22:30 -0700

Dear Work Team members,

Here are the action items and summary from today's meeting.  Please let me know 
if you have any changes or questions.  These also are posted on the wiki at: 

Thank you,


Action Items:
Tasks 1 and 2: Website requirements and document management (Steve, Chris, Ken, 
and Scott)--Scott will continue interviewing website "power users" and organize 
Task 3: Soliciting Meaningful Feedback (Helen and Zbynek)--The subteam will 
expand initial proposals to include specific details and processes
Task 4: Improve Coordination with ICANN Structures (Mason)--Mason will complete 
his analysis of what is being done already in ICANN and what needs to be done.
Output Format: Julie will contact Chuck Gomes to see if the OSC has any 
specifications for the format the Work Team should use for output. Mason will 
draft an outline/template document.

Tasks 1 and 2: Scott reported that he is still sending out invitations to GNSO 
"power users" to be interviewed re: GNSO user experience. He has three 
interviews scheduled for this week and next and more are coming in and he is 
still aiming at one dozen user interviews in order to have a real-world basis 
for our design decisions. He will compile the responses to determine whether 
these result in additional recommendations. Steve noted that these would build 
on the Business Requirements document, rather than resulting in changes to it. 
For other types of users, Scott will consult with Kieran concerning the 
responses he received from the survey of users of the ICANN website. Scott 
reported that the status of the migration is that the WebDev team has written 
the script we envisioned, has made the test migration several times with 
increasingly good results, and the migration to change the DNS from test to 
live is scheduled for Friday, 14 August. Scott also noted that he, Ken, and 
Marc Salvatierra reviewed the taxonomy in detail and that it is complete.
Task 3: Mason agreed to contact Zbynek and Helen to see if they can expand the 
initial recommendations Zbynek provided to the team.
Task 4: Mason has been engaged in identifying problems, determining what is 
already being done in ICANN, and what needs to be done. In addition to the 
recommendations Mason is developing, he also will consider codes of conduct for 
ICANN blogs/public forums and better communications at meetings.
Output Format: The group discussed how to orient their final output. Julie 
agreed to check with Chuck Gomes to see if the OSC has any specific 
requirements. Mason agreed to set up a document template.

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