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[gnso-osc-ccc] Report progress

  • To: "gnso-osc-ccc" <gnso-osc-ccc@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: [gnso-osc-ccc] Report progress
  • From: "Mason Cole" <masonc@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 11 Feb 2010 09:23:13 -0800

CCT Members:


The last email I can find to the entire team was from 18 November 2009,
so it has been awhile since we have written to you.  The truth is that
we thought we were finished once we submitted our Final Report
Recommendations to the OSC on 31 October 2009.  In early December, after
its review of our report, the OSC sent me a letter (7 December 2009) in
which it offered a number of suggestions for our consideration.  One of
the OSC's specific recommendations was to split the original CCT report
into two components: 

1)       Technology Improvements

2)       All Other Communications and Coordination Recommendations


The OSC was generally complimentary of the technology sections and
thought they could be quickly amended and sent as a separate document.
To comply with the OSC's recommendation, staff took our original report
and separated it into two portions that are now called: 

Report I - Technology 

Report II - Communications and Coordination 


In December-January, staff reorganized the material, addressed various
OSC suggestions, and added a lot of new content based upon the work of
the sub-team that included Chris Chaplow and Steve Holsten supported by
Ken Bour and Scott Pinzon.  


Attached to this email is the newly completed Report I, which has been
reviewed, edited, and approved by both Steve Holsten (Vice-Chair) and
me.  We believe that this report is essentially ready to be resubmitted
to the OSC and ask for your quick review and ratification on or before
19 February 2010.  As soon as possible after this deadline, Report
I-Technology will be submitted to the OSC for its final review before
being forwarded to the GNSO Council.  


Report II-Communications and Coordination has also been overhauled by
staff and I will be sending a version to you along with a recommendation
that we reconvene a teleconference in a couple of weeks to discuss it.
Unlike Report I, there is potentially a bit more work to do in finishing
that report, which is why I am suggesting at least another team session.
My goal is to have this second report completed no later than the
Nairobi meeting at which time this Work Team's efforts will have come to
a successful close.  


Thanks as always -


Mason Cole


Attachment: OSC Summary Comments re CCT Final Recommendations - 7 Dec 09 (FINAL).doc
Description: OSC Summary Comments re CCT Final Recommendations - 7 Dec 09 (FINAL).doc

Attachment: CCT Recommendations Section I-Prelim (KBv3-MCv1).doc
Description: CCT Recommendations Section I-Prelim (KBv3-MCv1).doc

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