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[gnso-osc-csg] Next Conference call Friday May 8 - Proposed agenda

  • To: OSC-CSG Work Team <gnso-osc-csg@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: [gnso-osc-csg] Next Conference call Friday May 8 - Proposed agenda
  • From: Olga Cavalli <olgac@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 6 May 2009 02:36:09 -0300

Dear Woking Team Members,

As I have mentioned in previous emails, I will not be able to chair the next
conference call and Michael has kindly agreed to take the chair role.

This is a draft agenda suggested for Friday´s call, feel free to send your
suggestions or changes. I have included some ideas for agenda item 2 to be
considered  in the discussion.

Meeting Agenda

1.  Call to order/roll call

2. Comments and inputs in relation with the documents drafted by Staff:

- Constituency analysis
- Proposed Stakeholder group charter analysis

Could Work Team members who represent constituencies provide suggestions for
locating the information if it is available?
How will be the needed information incorporated into the document?
Once we have completed the document, how is this information will be
formatted in a useful way in order to comply with our expected outcomes?

3. Exchange of ideas with Staff in how to incorporate outcomes form the work
that staff is doing in reviewing the existing constituencies charter
documents, further discussions that are taking place in GNSO, Board, etc.

4. Next steps

5. Any other business

Thank you all, my apologies for not being able to chair the next conference

Best regards,



OSC CSG Working Team wiki

MP3 recordings for all of the Work Team and other GNSO meetings:

Useful links sent by Robert:

6 March ICANN Board resolution regarding existing constituency charters

Public Comment Forum regarding existing GNSO Constituency Renewals –
including the Summary/Analysis of comments submitted

Renewing Constituencies section of the GNSO Improvements Information page

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