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[gnso-osc-csg] ACTION ITEM 1 ADDITIONS: OSC-Constituency Operations Work Team 24 April Meeting

  • To: "OSC-CSG Work Team" <gnso-osc-csg@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: [gnso-osc-csg] ACTION ITEM 1 ADDITIONS: OSC-Constituency Operations Work Team 24 April Meeting
  • From: "Julie Hedlund" <jahedlund@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sun, 03 May 2009 18:10:44 -0400

Dear Work Team Members,

Attached for your review and consideration, and posted to the wiki at
https://st.icann.org/icann-osc/index.cgi?constituency_operations_team, is a
draft preliminary analysis of proposed stakeholder group charters.

Also attached and on the wiki is an updated constituency analysis document
based on comments received thus far from Work Team members, as well as the
links that Rob Hoggarth sent via email concerning the constituency renewal

Thank you very much for your assistance.  Your comments and suggestions for
improving these documents are greatly appreciated, particularly concerning
any additional criteria that you think might be helpful.

Best regards,


Julie Hedlund
Policy Consultant

Attachment: GNSO OSC-CSG WT Task 1 Stakeholder Analysis.doc
Description: MS-Word document

Attachment: GNSO OSC-CSG WT Task 1 Constituency Analysis V2.doc
Description: MS-Word document

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