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RE: [gnso-osc-csg] ACTION ITEMS: OSC-Constituency Operations Work Team 08 May Meeting

  • To: <sskshatriy@xxxxxxxxx>, "Olga Cavalli" <olgac@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, "Michael Young" <myoung@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: RE: [gnso-osc-csg] ACTION ITEMS: OSC-Constituency Operations Work Team 08 May Meeting
  • From: "Gomes, Chuck" <cgomes@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 11 May 2009 15:26:25 -0400

My compliments SS and some good work.  I think you have identified some
areas where we can develop some recommendations that could be applied
across all constituencies and SGs.  The key will be to do that for those
areas that relate clearly to a specific Board recommendation, keeping in
mind that it is not our task to analyze charters but rather we are
reviewing charters simply as a means of developing implementation
recommendations for Board GNSO improvement recommendations.
For example, a possible implementation recommendation could be something
like this: All constituencies and/or stakeholder groups should have well
defined procedures for any member to raise issues and for developing
issues into policy statements.  Whether or not such procedures need to
be in a charter or in some other place can be debated.
Regarding the management of a constituency, we may need to be careful
about weighing in on that topic unless it relates directly to a Board
recommendation.  I think we should be able to clearly connect any
recommendation we make to a specific Board recommendation for
improvement for constituencies (and SGs).


        From: owner-gnso-osc-csg@xxxxxxxxx
[mailto:owner-gnso-osc-csg@xxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of SS Kshatriy
        Sent: Monday, May 11, 2009 4:04 AM
        To: Olga Cavalli; Michael Young
        Cc: OSC-CSG Work Team; jahedlund@xxxxxxxxxxx
        Subject: Re: [gnso-osc-csg] ACTION ITEMS: OSC-Constituency
Operations Work Team 08 May Meeting
The Chair,

Subject:  Comments and inputs in relation with the documents drafted by

Ref: Meeting Notes:


Julie has produced a good analysis of Constituency Charters. It is good
to make a start. 
Is it possible to make detailed analysis touching as many criteria as


As an example I am giving below my analysis on two criteria under
Subtask 1.2. 

a.         Bringing out a Motion on Policy Issues and 

b.         Elections. 





Subtask 1.2:   Analysis of Constituency Charters 

1. Commercial and Business Constituency have in their charter
an09.pdf>  : 

a. Procedure for developing written policy by bringing out a motion on
policy issue by appointed 'Rapporteurs'. There is passing reference that
any member can propose a position paper. But there is no procedure for

It needs to be elaborated and clear rules laid down.         


b. There are clear rules for Election of Officers for representation in
GNSO but it lacks proper management. Management of the Constituency is
governed by:                     section 4.2 'Officers and 4.3
Secretariat'. It is a surprising that election is done for GNSO Council
and such councilors become Officers of the Constituency to run and
manage the organization. It should have been otherwise. Assume a typical
situation when due to any reason, Constituency has no representation in
GNSO Council. It will then be left with no management. Ideal situation
should be that there is a well managed Organization that has
representation in GNSO Council and other bodies. 

Hence provision for regular management body, independent of GNSO
representation should exist. 


2. Registries (gTLD) have 'Articles of Operation'
<http://www.gtldregistries.org/about_us/articles>  , which has clear and
elaborate rules for: 

a. Bringing out a motion for decision making on an issue and 

b. Election of officers. 


3. Internet Service Provider & Connectivity Provider Constituency
>   have called their submission a Charter. 


a. Section 3.1 'Decision Making Processes in the ISPCP' needs
strengthening and elaborating. 

It should have provisions for Constituency Members to raise issues and
carry out motions. 

b. It has procedures for elections. 

c. There is no proper Charter. Above referred document is a submission
for Constituency Renewal. There is no link for any Charter Document in
the ISPCP's Website and as such, it is not a public document.
The Constituency should have proper Charter or Byelaws. 


4. Non-Commercial User's Constituency


a. There is no provision for members to raise issues. Changes in Charter
alone can be brought about. This needs to be incorporated in the

Section IX Communication needs to be strengthened for this purpose. 

b. Charter has well laid out procedure for elections. 


5. Registrars Constituency http://www.icannregistrars.org/RC_Bylaws
<http://www.icannregistrars.org/RC_Bylaws>   and

The Constituency has good rules for: 

a. Bringing out a motion for decision making on an issue and 

b. Election of officers. 


6. Intellectual Property Constituency

The Constituency has good rules for: 

a. Bringing out a motion for decision making on an issue. However, there
is no provision at all for the members belonging to Category 1A and 1B
to participate in the affairs of the Constituency or for them to be

There should be some provision for such members for participation. 

b. Good rules for election of officers. 



--- On Fri, 5/8/09, Julie Hedlund <jahedlund@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

        From: Julie Hedlund <jahedlund@xxxxxxxxxxx>
        Subject: [gnso-osc-csg] ACTION ITEMS: OSC-Constituency
Operations Work Team 08 May Meeting
        To: "OSC-CSG Work Team" <gnso-osc-csg@xxxxxxxxx>
        Date: Friday, May 8, 2009, 11:00 AM
        Dear Work Team Members,
        Here are the action items from today's meeting.  These also are
posted on the wiki at:
In addition, you may reference the meeting notes at:
_team_meeting_notes and the MP3 at
http://audio.icann.org/gnso/gnso-ops-20090508.mp3.  The transcript will
be posted to the wiki as soon as it is available.  Note also that all
reference documents are linked to the wiki.    
        08 May Meeting Action Items:
        1. Letter to OSC: Michael will draft and circulate to the team
for review a letter to the OSC expressing concern about possible
conflicts with respect to the work of the team and the timing of the
Board approval of constituency and stakeholder group charters, as well
as concerns with the constituency renewal process. Due date: Friday, 15
        2. Project Plans: Each subtask leader should develop a
preliminary project plan suggesting the timing for completing the
subtask. Due date: Two weeks - by the next meeting on Friday, 22 May.
        3. Identification of Best & Bad Practices: Subtask leaders and
their team members should identify best practices as well as bad
practices, as they relate to their subtasks, using as a starting point
the preliminary analysis of constituency/stakeholder charters, but also
information on constituency web pages and directly from constituencies.
Due date: Four weeks - by the meeting on Friday, 05 June.
        Comments and clarifications on the action items and meeting
notes are welcome.   Thank you.
        Best regards,
        Julie Hedlund
        Policy Consultant

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