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[gnso-osc-csg] FW: Request for Report on IPC Recertification, Constituency and SG Charter Amendments
- To: <denise.michel@xxxxxxxxx>
- Subject: [gnso-osc-csg] FW: Request for Report on IPC Recertification, Constituency and SG Charter Amendments
- From: "Victoria McEvedy" <victoria@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Date: Thu, 21 May 2009 23:27:50 +0100
Denise -your message below would have gone some way to answering my
question on timing at least. Was there some reason it could not be
shared with our group?
From: Metalitz, Steven [mailto:met@xxxxxxx]
Sent: 21 May 2009 23:09
To: Victoria McEvedy; Abu-Ghazaleh; Adam Weiss; Andy Coombs ; Ariel
Manoff; Bonny Cameau; Caroline Chicoine; Charles Shaban; cray@xxxxxxx;
cdigangi@xxxxxxxx; Coleen Morrison; cyrilchua@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx;
dana@xxxxxxx; deinhorn@xxxxxxxxxxxx; David Taylor; dprahl@xxxxxxxxx;
Douglas Isenberg; dcolson@xxxxxxxxxxxxx; Elisabeth Logeais;
ellen@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx; Faisal Shah; Felipe Claro ;
frederick.felman@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx; Fritz Attaway; gadi.oron@xxxxxxxx;
Guillermo Carey; jscottevans@xxxxxxxxx; Jane Mutimear; Jeffrey Kaufman;
Jeremy Banks; Joan McGivern; Joe@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx;
john.mcelwaine@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx; John Coletta; Joi White; Jonathan C.
Cohen; Joon Park; June Besek; Keith Kupferschmid; Ken Taylor;
ktsuru@xxxxxxxxxxxxx; Kristina Rosette; Laurence Djolakian; Lucy
Nichols; Lynn Farny; mtrachtenberg@xxxxxxxxxxx;
mheathcote@xxxxxxxxxxxxx; Mark Bohannon; Mark Partridge;
tratosm@xxxxxxxxx; mschwimmer@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx;
jenkins.marylee@xxxxxxxxxxxx; Matt.Nelles@xxxxxxxxx; Metalitz, Steven;
Michael Erdle; remingmj@xxxxxxx; Michael Lindsey; Michael O'Leary;
Michael Palage; Michel Gerin; thawabeh@xxxxxxxxx; Mort Goldberg;
mdmour@xxxxxxxx; Nathalie.dreyfus@xxxxxxxxxx; neil.hobbs@xxxxxxxxxxxx;
nick.wood@xxxxxxxxxxxx; Niklas Lagergren; Pam Burchette;
pat.oreilley@xxxxxxxxxxxx; mcgradyp@xxxxxxxxx; Peter Becker;
philip.cardinale@xxxxxxx; tdickinson@xxxxxxxxx;
fischer.ricardo@xxxxxxxxxxxx; Ronald Hansell; RKaatz@xxxxxxxxxx; Sai
Boddul; Sam Mosenkis; sfrida@xxxxxxxxx;
sara.freixa@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx; Sarah Deutsch;
slonardo@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx; klein.sheldon@xxxxxxxxxxxx;
sjone042@xxxxxxxxxx; stacey@xxxxxxxxxxxx; Sudhir Ravindran; Travis
Johnson; udecker@xxxxxxxxxxxxx; Victoria Carrington; Victoria McEvedy;
vgarlock@xxxxxxxxx; zloebl@xxxxxxxx; Zulfiqar Khan
Subject: RE: Request for Report on IPC Recertification, Constituency and
SG Charter Amendments
IPC membership,
FYI, and in partial response to Victoria McEvedy's query, please see
below a message received earlier today from Denise Michel of the ICANN
staff, summarizing the ICANN board's consideration, at its meeting this
week, of the status and timetable of approval of the charters for the
new Stakeholder Groups. It seems clear from this that the "new"
(restructured) GNSO council will NOT be seated by the time of the ICANN
meeting next month in Sydney, but it is not clear what the revised
timetable will be. This also may affect the timeline for, and status
of, reconfirmation of the IP constituency -- we will try to find out and
report to the full list as soon as possible.
Steve Metalitz, IPC president
Dear Community Members:
At today's Board meeting, Directors considered the status of Stakeholder
Group (SG) formation and acknowledged that the GNSO community has made
an effort to comply with the Board's timetable for GNSO restructuring
(i.e. seating a new Council in Sydney), that the Board has received
proposed SG charters for review, and that the restructuring schedule has
slipped past Sydney. The Board approved a resolution that: noted that
the proposed SG charters require revisions to ensure equitable
participation and representation by new constituencies; directed the
Board's Structural Improvements Committee (SIC) and ICANN Staff to
propose changes to the SG charters to make them consistent with the
Board's stated objectives; and directed the SIC to post the revised
charters, and an explanatory memorandum, for GNSO consultation and
public comment.
The resolution will be posted by the Board Secretariat shortly at <
http://www.icann.org/en/minutes/ <http://www.icann.org/en/minutes/> >,
but I wanted to alert you to this development ASAP. Additional
information will be posted/distributed as soon as it's available.
Denise Michel
ICANN Vice President
Policy Development
From: Victoria McEvedy [mailto:victoria@xxxxxxxxxx]
Sent: Thursday, May 21, 2009 12:32 PM
To: Metalitz, Steven
Cc: Abu-Ghazaleh; Adam Weiss; Andy Coombs ; Ariel Manoff; Bonny Cameau;
Caroline Chicoine; Charles Shaban; cray@xxxxxxx; cdigangi@xxxxxxxx;
Coleen Morrison; cyrilchua@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx; dana@xxxxxxx;
deinhorn@xxxxxxxxxxxx; David Taylor; dprahl@xxxxxxxxx; Douglas Isenberg;
dcolson@xxxxxxxxxxxxx; Elisabeth Logeais; ellen@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx;
Faisal Shah; Felipe Claro ; frederick.felman@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx; Fritz
Attaway; gadi.oron@xxxxxxxx; Guillermo Carey; jscottevans@xxxxxxxxx;
Jane Mutimear; Jeffrey Kaufman; Jeremy Banks; Joan McGivern;
Joe@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx; john.mcelwaine@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx; John
Coletta; Joi White; Jonathan C. Cohen; Joon Park; June Besek; Keith
Kupferschmid; Ken Taylor; ktsuru@xxxxxxxxxxxxx; Kristina Rosette;
Laurence Djolakian; Lucy Nichols; Lynn Farny; mtrachtenberg@xxxxxxxxxxx;
mheathcote@xxxxxxxxxxxxx; Mark Bohannon; Mark Partridge;
tratosm@xxxxxxxxx; mschwimmer@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx;
jenkins.marylee@xxxxxxxxxxxx; Matt.Nelles@xxxxxxxxx; Michael Erdle;
remingmj@xxxxxxx; Michael Lindsey; Michael O'Leary; Michael Palage;
Michel Gerin; thawabeh@xxxxxxxxx; Mort Goldberg; mdmour@xxxxxxxx;
Nathalie.dreyfus@xxxxxxxxxx; neil.hobbs@xxxxxxxxxxxx;
nick.wood@xxxxxxxxxxxx; Niklas Lagergren; Burchette, Pamela;
pat.oreilley@xxxxxxxxxxxx; mcgradyp@xxxxxxxxx; Peter Becker;
philip.cardinale@xxxxxxx; tdickinson@xxxxxxxxx;
fischer.ricardo@xxxxxxxxxxxx; Ronald Hansell; RKaatz@xxxxxxxxxx; Sai
Boddul; Sam Mosenkis; sfrida@xxxxxxxxx;
sara.freixa@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx; Sarah Deutsch;
slonardo@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx; klein.sheldon@xxxxxxxxxxxx;
sjone042@xxxxxxxxxx; stacey@xxxxxxxxxxxx; Sudhir Ravindran; Travis
Johnson; udecker@xxxxxxxxxxxxx; Victoria Carrington; vgarlock@xxxxxxxxx;
zloebl@xxxxxxxx; Zulfiqar Khan
Subject: RE: Request for Report on IPC Recertification, Constituency and
SG Charter Amendments
Dear Steven,
I would be grateful if you would please advise who is dealing with these
issues (see subject line) on behalf of the Constituency.
Further, could we please have a detailed report from the relevant
individual or group? In particular, could we have a report on
negotiations on these topics, if any.
Thank you and regards,
Victoria McEvedy
Solicitors and Attorneys
96 Westbourne Park Road
W2 5PL
T: +44 (0) 207 243 6122
F: +44 (0) 207 022 1721
M: +44 (0) 7990 625 169
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This email and its attachments are confidential and intended for the
exclusive use of the addressee(s). This email and its attachments may
also be legally privileged. If you have received this in error, please
let us know by reply immediately and destroy the email and its
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This email does not create a solicitor-client relationship and no
retainer is created by this email communication.
From: Metalitz, Steven [mailto:met@xxxxxxx]
Sent: 17 May 2009 21:10
To: Abu-Ghazaleh; Adam Weiss; Andy Coombs ; Ariel Manoff; Bonny Cameau;
Caroline Chicoine; Charles Shaban; cray@xxxxxxx; cdigangi@xxxxxxxx;
Coleen Morrison; cyrilchua@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx; dana@xxxxxxx;
deinhorn@xxxxxxxxxxxx; David Taylor; dprahl@xxxxxxxxx; Douglas Isenberg;
dcolson@xxxxxxxxxxxxx; Elisabeth Logeais; ellen@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx;
Faisal Shah; Felipe Claro ; frederick.felman@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx; Fritz
Attaway; gadi.oron@xxxxxxxx; Guillermo Carey; jscottevans@xxxxxxxxx;
Jane Mutimear; Jeffrey Kaufman; Jeremy Banks; Joan McGivern;
Joe@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx; john.mcelwaine@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx; John
Coletta; Joi White; Jonathan C. Cohen; Joon Park; June Besek; Keith
Kupferschmid; Ken Taylor; ktsuru@xxxxxxxxxxxxx; Kristina Rosette;
Laurence Djolakian; Lucy Nichols; Lynn Farny; mtrachtenberg@xxxxxxxxxxx;
mheathcote@xxxxxxxxxxxxx; Mark Bohannon; Mark Partridge;
tratosm@xxxxxxxxx; mschwimmer@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx;
jenkins.marylee@xxxxxxxxxxxx; Matt.Nelles@xxxxxxxxx; Metalitz, Steven;
Michael Erdle; remingmj@xxxxxxx; Michael Lindsey; Michael O'Leary;
Michael Palage; Michel Gerin; thawabeh@xxxxxxxxx; Mort Goldberg;
mdmour@xxxxxxxx; Nathalie.dreyfus@xxxxxxxxxx; neil.hobbs@xxxxxxxxxxxx;
nick.wood@xxxxxxxxxxxx; Niklas Lagergren; Pam Burchette;
pat.oreilley@xxxxxxxxxxxx; mcgradyp@xxxxxxxxx; Peter Becker;
philip.cardinale@xxxxxxx; tdickinson@xxxxxxxxx;
fischer.ricardo@xxxxxxxxxxxx; Ronald Hansell; RKaatz@xxxxxxxxxx; Sai
Boddul; Sam Mosenkis; sfrida@xxxxxxxxx;
sara.freixa@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx; Sarah Deutsch;
slonardo@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx; klein.sheldon@xxxxxxxxxxxx;
sjone042@xxxxxxxxxx; stacey@xxxxxxxxxxxx; Sudhir Ravindran; Travis
Johnson; udecker@xxxxxxxxxxxxx; Victoria Carrington; Victoria McEvedy;
vgarlock@xxxxxxxxx; zloebl@xxxxxxxx; Zulfiqar Khan
Subject: FW: DRAFT IPC submission re IDN gTLD constituency petition --
Time Sensitive
Fellow IPC members,
Please review the attached DRAFT IPC submission and circulate any
comments or objections ASAP and no later than 12 noon EDT on Wednesday,
May 20.
There is a May 20 deadline for public comments on the proposal to
establish an "IDN gTLD" constituency and to locate it within our
commercial stakeholder group in the "improved" GNSO structure. See
<http://www.icann.org/en/public-comment/#idngtld> .
The BC and ISPC late last week submitted some very terse comments which
focus on objecting to including this proposed constituency within the
commercial SG. I attach a copy. I recommend that IPC support this
At the same time, it is worth pointing out that this problem reflects a
fundamental flaw in the GNSO restructuring exercise. There are also
other problems with the proposed IDN gTLD charter which should be
pointed out. I have drafted the attached submission to make these
Thanks in advance for reviewing the draft promptly and circulating any
objections or comments by the deadline stated above.
Steve Metalitz, IPC president
<<BC-ISPC submission re IDN gTLD constituency (2237493).DOC>> <<DRAFT
IPC submission re IDN gTLD constituency (2235967).DOC>>

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