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[gnso-osc-csg] RE: Request for Information on Letter from GNSO to Board
- To: <denise.michel@xxxxxxxxx>
- Subject: [gnso-osc-csg] RE: Request for Information on Letter from GNSO to Board
- From: "Victoria McEvedy" <victoria@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Date: Thu, 21 May 2009 20:52:34 +0100
Thanks Denise. Not wanting to add to the pressure -an ETA would be fine.
Victoria McEvedy
Solicitors and Attorneys
96 Westbourne Park Road
W2 5PL
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From: michel.denise@xxxxxxxxx [mailto:michel.denise@xxxxxxxxx] On Behalf
Of Denise Michel
Sent: 21 May 2009 20:45
To: Victoria McEvedy
Cc: Rob Hoggarth; gnso-osc-csg@xxxxxxxxx; jahedlund@xxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: Request for Information on Letter from GNSO to Board
Hello, Victoria.
Thank you for your email, and your voice mail.
Rob is following-up on your requests. Please bear with us as Policy
Staff currently is supporting 18 different GNSO-related entities
(working groups, teams, etc) with numerous members, as well as a
significant amount of substantive initiatives. We're processing
individual requests for information as quickly as possible.
BTW, all key documents related to GNSO Improvements are linked at <
http://gnso.icann.org/en/improvements/> and discussed on the GNSO
Council list at <http://gnso.icann.org/mailing-lists/archives/council/>.
Denise Michel
ICANN Vice President
Policy Development
+1.408.429.3072 mobile
+1.310.578.8632 direct
On Mon, May 18, 2009 at 9:33 AM, Victoria McEvedy <victoria@xxxxxxxxxx>
Forgive me for troubling you further, as I was reading the background
materials I came across the following letter from the GNSO Council to
the Board-seeking clarification on the respective roles of the Staff and
the GNSO in the improvements process.
This very much raises the issues I asked you about in our meeting on
April 24. Could you please advise what followed and/or the whereabouts
of any response (in any form) from the Board to the letter above? I am
copying in Denise here as she co-wrote that letter.
I would also be grateful for any information as to/and or a copy of the
draft Implementation notes prepared by the Staff referred to in the
penultimate para of this letter. The letter says that the notes are to
be shared with the community for consideration and discussion. If there
are no notes, please advise.
We have the Staff analysis of the Public Comments only. We don't have
the Staff analysis of the Constituency Submissions or the identification
of changes that the Board has directed or the records of liaison between
the Constituencies and the Staff or the Staff and the Board. If there
are none, please advise. I did ask for this on April 24th.
It is very frustrating working in the dark here and not having the
I note also in relation to my earlier request today as to the timing of
the GNSO Improvements in light of the June 2009 dates, that per the Top
Level Implementation Plan, 11 September 2008, Prepared by the GNSO
Improvements Planning Team, third DRAFT version of 16 October 2008 says
at pg.8: "Neither Steering Committee is intended to be a permanent
entity. Their respective charters will expire on 30 June 2009, unless
specifically renewed by the GNSO council."
I do think we need the timing information overview in order to be able
to determine how to deal with the little time remaining and the imminent
termination of our Charter.
If you are the wrong Staff person to direct these questions to -please
advise who this should be addressed to.
Given the shortness of time and the Board meeting this week -I would
very much appreciate a prompt reply.
Victoria McEvedy
Solicitors and Attorneys
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96 Westbourne Park Road
W2 5PL
T: +44 (0) 207 243 6122
F: +44 (0) 207 022 1721
M: +44 (0) 7990 625 169
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