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[gnso-osc-csg] RE: Subtask 1-Chuck's comments
- To: "'Victoria McEvedy'" <victoria@xxxxxxxxxx>, SS Kshatriy <sskshatriy@xxxxxxxxx>, rafik dammak <rafik.dammak@xxxxxxxxx>
- Subject: [gnso-osc-csg] RE: Subtask 1-Chuck's comments
- From: Claudio Di Gangi <cdigangi@xxxxxxxx>
- Date: Fri, 2 Oct 2009 14:42:52 -0400
Dear WT,
Here are some comments I had on Victoria's points below.
From: Victoria McEvedy [mailto:victoria@xxxxxxxxxx]
Sent: Wednesday, September 23, 2009 6:08 AM
To: SS Kshatriy; Claudio Di Gangi; rafik dammak
Cc: Olga Cavalli; Julie Hedlund
Subject: RE: Subtask 1-Chuck's comments
These are my summary comments to Chuck's points on SS's draft.
1. Generally --- the status quo and the interim approval of transitional and
bare minimum charters for the current Constituencies and Stakeholder Groups
---is not a compelling answer given that they are transitional. Staff have made
clear they have made the bare minimum of comments and that our work as a cross
constituency group is to follow. [Chuck I do not understand what other possible
meaning cross constituency can have -please explain]. I did not believe the
Stakeholder Group charters approved by the Board were considered transitional
2. The scheme of the report on Substask 1.2 deals firstly with
Constituencies and then suggests a re-think as to which recommendations might
also be suggested as applicable for Stakeholder Groups. The two are not the
same and very different concerns may apply. To deal with them together is as
apples and oranges.
The recommendations should apply equally at the level of participation in the
GNSO. In the Contracted Party House, participation is at the Stakeholder Group
level, and in the Non-Contracted Party House, participation is on the
Constituency level. Therefore, our recommendations would apply equally to
Stakeholder Groups in the Contracted Party House & Constituencies in the
Non-Contracted Party House.
3. If in the Contracted Houses any interested parties do ever form and
charter themselves -then they might be a more appropriate comparator but as of
yet there are none and personally, I doubt there ever will be.
Please see comment above. There is no requirement that subgroups form in the
Contracted Party House for our recommendations to apply there.
4. For these reasons the treatment of individuals in the Contracted Houses'
interested parties groups is not helpful and prevents these important issues
being dealt with in the Constituencies -which do actually exist and -let us not
forget, retain all real power by virtue of their retained control of the non
Contracted GNSO seats.
Please see above comment. Our recommendations should apply equally across all
5. As to voting by size or revenue ---if the UN did this China would have
half the votes -instead each member state has one vote.
Groups should have the flexibility to allow for different forms and types of
members (individuals, organizations, companies) in order to determine how it
can best represent its community.
6. Organizational members should exercise the number of votes of their
constituent members and that would preserve fairness.
Please see comment above.
7. In fact there is not intended to be any discrimination against
individuals and the Bylaws treat individuals and entities as interchangeable
-see Art. X 3 "any group of individuals or entities may petition the Board for
recognition as a new or separate Constituency." Note the document "Critical New
Stakeholder Group Principles " -and see BGC Report at p.32 ---all Stakeholder
groups expected to conduct greater outreach and recruit a broader and more
diverse membership. BGC report at 39 ---the goal is that they be as inclusive
and representative as possible and Constituency structure needs to adapt.
Please see above comment.
8. As a matter of law -the corporate form (as opposed to a sole trader or
partnership or a limited liability partnership) is not usually a requirement
for any particular legal rights. I would be very surprised if California law
differed in that respect and do not see why these structures could apply to be
a Registrar or a Registry and then join an interested party. If they cannot
-then that restriction should be revised.
Please see above comment. For example, in the Commercial Stakeholder Group,
GROUPs could choose to limit membership to formal legal entities like
corporations, limited liability partnerships, etc.
9. An independent and comprehensive review of internet governance entities
(ITU, IETF, ISOC, ICANN, WC3 etc etc) and participation was conducted for the
Council of Europe -see
Note that few of the organizations discriminate against full participation
for individuals -particularly in policy making.
Individuals are represented in several organs of ICANN, including now in the
Non-Commercial Stakeholder Group.
10. We need more information on the current position as to duplication of
members in existing Constituencies. The crossover between the Business and IPC
Constituencies may be very extensive and it would help to have further
information as to that and other examples and also understand how subsidiaries
and related companies and duplicate voting is now dealt with.
Victoria McEvedy
Solicitors and Attorneys
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From: SS Kshatriy [mailto:sskshatriy@xxxxxxxxx]
Sent: 22 September 2009 17:29
To: Claudio Di Gangi; Victoria McEvedy; rafik dammak
Cc: Olga Cavalli
Subject: Re: Subtask 1-Chuck's comments
Hi Everybody,
this is further to my last mail.
Chuck's comments are attached for your reference and comments.
Victoria is requested to circulate her comments to the Subtask 1 team.
After receiving Victoria's comments and also feedback from all of you, I will
summarise them and circulate to WT.
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