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[gnso-osc-csg] Next Steps OSC Constituency Operations Work Team

  • To: Julie Hedlund <julie.hedlund@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: [gnso-osc-csg] Next Steps OSC Constituency Operations Work Team
  • From: Olga Cavalli <olgac@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sun, 11 Oct 2009 22:05:51 -0300

Dear Working Team,

I hope this email finds you well.

First let me apologize for not being present in the call held last Friday.
I was delayed three hours in a half an hour flight to the interior of my
country. So by the time of the call I was flying on a plane.

Before this happed, I sent an email to the list from my mobile phone (a
Blackberry) explaining this but after I got off the plane and saw the
messages I realized it was never delivered, and also none of other emails I
tried to send after the call.

Thank you Michael for taking the lead, specially without any early notice.

Thanks Julie, Glen and Gisella for all the support with emails, minute
meetings and schedule.

After hearing the mp3  recording and reviewing the exchange of emails let me
suggest this next steps:

1- Subtask 1.1 and 1.2 Draft Documents:
Subtask leaders SS and Victoria will include recieved comments and inputs to
their respective draft subtask documents.

These draft documents should be available for working tream revision by the
time of our next conference call next Friday 16 October, the lattest.

All working team members are welcome to send comments and suggestions to
these drafts subworking team documents.

2- Subtask 1.3 Draft Document:
This draft document prepared by Krista and Tony is ready for working team
revision. I will recirculate it right now.

Again, all working team members are welcome to send comments and suggestions
to this document.

3- Subtask 1.4 Minority Reports are expected by Friday 16 October, or

4- In relation with the requested elimination of recorded participation and
other comments that were expressed in the list, Michael and myself in our
roles of chair and vice chair of this working team will review the
situation, and will communicate to the working team what needs to be done in
this  situation.

5- Next conference call will be held next Friday 16 October, at 13 GMT,
scheduled time 30 minutes.

6- Face to face meeting will be held in Seoul on Sunday 25 October. We will
review with Glen possible changes in the established time.

I appreciate the high level of involvement and hard work of all the working
team. Also I want ask you to use this working space with respect, being
flexible and open to other´s thougts and oppinions, as fundamental elements
of our work and expected outcomes.

Have a good week.

Best regards.


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