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[gnso-osc-csg] Rough Consensus

  • To: OSC-CSG Work Team <gnso-osc-csg@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: [gnso-osc-csg] Rough Consensus
  • From: Olga Cavalli <olgac@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sat, 17 Oct 2009 19:41:13 -0300

As promised during our last conference call I am including in this email
information about rough consensus for sending the subworking team 1.4 draft
document as a separate one to the OSC.

Thank you SS for the emails you sent me about this issue today.

As stated in our charter rough consensus is:

Rough consensus position: where no more than 1/3 disagrees and at least 2/3

Our working team has 12 (twelve) participants. Complete list is in our WT


In relation with the idea of sending draft 1.4 document we have recieved the
following information through the email list:

In favour of sending draft 1.4 document as a separate report:
• Olga Cavalli - Nominating Committee Appointee
• Claudio DiGangi - Intellectual Property Interests Constituency
• Chuck Gomes - gTLD Registries Constituency
• Tony Harris - Internet Service and Connectivity Providers Constituency
• Zahid Jamil - Commercial and Business Users Constituency
• Hector Ariel Manoff - Intellectual Property Interests Constituency
• Krista Papac - Registrar Constituency
• Michael Young - gTLD Registries Constituency

*8 members in favour*
Against sending it as separate: • Rafik Dammak - Non-Commercial Users
• S.S. Kshatriya - Individual (India)
• Victoria McEvedy - Intellectual Property Interests Constituency
• Dr. Shahram Soboutipour - Individual (Iran)
4 members against.*

I think we achieved rough consensus (2/3) for sending this report as

So far we have recieved three minority reports that will be included in the
final report.

Final report will be prepared by Julie, Robert and myself. Report will
include names and affiliation of those in favor of sending the document and
those against, also the minority reports.

Best regards,


PS: In Argentina tomorrow is Mother´s day, if this is the case in yours my
warmest regards to all the mothers of the team!

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