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Re: [gnso-osc-csg] Actions/Summary: 19 February Meeting

  • To: <julie.hedlund@xxxxxxxxx>, <gnso-osc-csg@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: Re: [gnso-osc-csg] Actions/Summary: 19 February Meeting
  • From: "Gomes, Chuck" <cgomes@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 25 Feb 2010 11:57:48 -0500

Thanks Julie. The changes look okay to me. 



From: Julie Hedlund <julie.hedlund@xxxxxxxxx> 
To: Gomes, Chuck; gnso-osc-csg <gnso-osc-csg@xxxxxxxxx> 
Sent: Thu Feb 25 09:32:34 2010
Subject: Re: [gnso-osc-csg] Actions/Summary: 19 February Meeting 

Chuck and Work Team members,

See my input below.  Thanks.


On 2/25/10 8:13 AM, "Chuck Gomes" <cgomes@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

        Please see my input below.


                From: owner-gnso-osc-csg@xxxxxxxxx  
[mailto:owner-gnso-osc-csg@xxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Julie  Hedlund
                Sent: Friday, February 19, 2010 12:06 PM
                To:  gnso-osc-csg
                Subject: [gnso-osc-csg] Actions/Summary: 19 February  Meeting
                Dear Work Team members,
                Here is the brief  summary and action items from today’s 
meeting.  Please let me know if you  have any changes or additions.  These also 
are listed on the wiki at: 
                PLEASE  RESPOND RE: NEXT MEETING: On today’s call the Work Team 
members  discussed the timing for the next meeting.  It was suggested that the  
next meeting should be held a little later and should be scheduled for 60, not  
90 minutes.  The suggested time is Friday, 26 February from 1330 to  1430 UTC 
(0530 to 0630 PST/0830 to 0930 EST).   Please let  me know as soon as possible 
if you CANNOT meet at that time and, if so, if you  have suggestions for an 
alternate  time.
                --Task 1, Subtask  1: Work Team members on the call agreed to 
revised language presented by  Rafik on Section 2, paragraph f and by Claudio 
on Section 3, paragraph 2.  ACTION: All Work Team members are requested to 
review the revised  language at 
  as indicated in all caps and strikeout by Friday, 26 February. If no  
comments are received by that date the recommendations will be considered  
accepted by the Work Team.
                [Gomes, Chuck] I support both of these  changes but in Section 
3, paragraph 2, why did we not want to say  "THERE SHOULD BE  EMPHASIS ON 
CONSENSUS BUILDING IN GROUP  DELIBERATIONS."   That sentence seems to fit well  
with what follows.  

        <JULIE> From my notes I believed that this was to be deleted, but I 
could be mistaken.

                --Task 1, Subtask 2: Work Team  members on the call reviewed 
and discussed changes through Part II, Section 3  Communications. ACTION: All 
Work Team members are requested to review  the revised language in all caps, 
strikeout, and curly brackets through the  end of Section 3 at 
   and provide any comments by Friday, 26  February.
                [Gomes, Chuck]  Is something missing in Part  II, 3.a?  It 
would help me to know what 3.a says without the  strikeouts.  Also, I think the 
lettering needs to be redone if b, d, e  & f are eliminated. 3.g is incomplete. 
 Something seems to be  missing in 4.a.  I think I am okay with the suggested 
edits but they are  very hard to follow.

        <JULIE>  Here is the text for Section 3 without the strikeouts but with 
all caps and curly brackets to show what was added:
        3. Communications 
        a. Constituency mailing {LISTS} and discussion groups shall be open to 
the entire constituency membership and, at the election of the Constituency in 
any given case, to the public. THE CONSTITUENCY MAY HAVE RESERVED LISTS IF 
publicly archived --with posting rights limited to members at the election of 
the Constituency.
        c. Information as to Constituency business and work product and finance 
and accounts and submissions to Staff and other ICANN entities shall be made 
available to the entire constituency membership unless there are valid grounds 
for restricting distribution.
        {D}. All Constituencies shall have a published Privacy Policy providing 
for the protection of the {PRIVATE} data of members.
        In addition, with respect to 4a, the word “Constituency” was 
inadvertently deleted.  I have reinserted it.

                Thank you very much.
                Best  regards,


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