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RE: [gnso-osc-csg] Actions/Summary: February Meetings
- To: Olga Cavalli <olgac@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Subject: RE: [gnso-osc-csg] Actions/Summary: February Meetings
- From: Victoria McEvedy <victoria@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Date: Thu, 4 Mar 2010 19:56:52 +0000
Dear WT members,
I'm on vacation and travelling and so unable to attend the next meeting. Please
accept my apologies.
As to the revisions --I am troubled by the deletions in 3c. If the WT is not in
favor of disclosure polices, then could we state the reasons why relevant
information can be withheld from even group members? For transparency, these
ought to be on enumerated grounds only --not discretionary or arbitrary
withholdings. A method should be provided for members to seek information on
what is withheld and which of the enumerated acceptable grounds is claimed with
an avenue of independent review provided. Noting Rafik's earlier comments
-perhaps this should not be to the ombudsman.
Victoria McEvedy
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From: owner-gnso-osc-csg@xxxxxxxxx [mailto:owner-gnso-osc-csg@xxxxxxxxx] On
Behalf Of Olga Cavalli
Sent: 25 February 2010 16:06
To: Gomes, Chuck
Cc: Julie Hedlund; gnso-osc-csg
Subject: Re: [gnso-osc-csg] Actions/Summary: 19 February Meeting
Dear working team members,
There were almost no answers to my request of changing the date of our meeting
for Thursday.
Also Julie reminded me that it would overlap with a policy update webinar that
is also taking place this day.
Unfortunately I had to change my flight back from Japan and will be in a plane
at the time of the call on Friday.
My suggestion is that team members review all changes done to te documents so
far, and comment if needed.
If by Friday next week there are no comments or suggestions, changes will be
incorporated into the final version of the document.
Our next meeting will be the face to face one in Nairobi.
Best regards and my apologies for this inconvenience.
2010/2/25 Gomes, Chuck <cgomes@xxxxxxxxxxxx<mailto:cgomes@xxxxxxxxxxxx>>
Are we having a meeting this week? If so, when?
From: owner-gnso-osc-csg@xxxxxxxxx<mailto:owner-gnso-osc-csg@xxxxxxxxx>
[mailto:owner-gnso-osc-csg@xxxxxxxxx<mailto:owner-gnso-osc-csg@xxxxxxxxx>] On
Behalf Of Olga Cavalli
Sent: Sunday, February 21, 2010 9:03 AM
To: Julie Hedlund
Cc: gnso-osc-csg
Subject: Re: [gnso-osc-csg] Actions/Summary: 19 February Meeting
Thank you very much Julie for this message and nex steps.
Please note that we finished the revision of Subtask 1 document and we also
continues with the revision of the Subtask 2 document.
Review the agreed text and send your comments until next Friday.
Regards to all.
2010/2/19 Julie Hedlund
Dear Work Team members,
Here is the brief summary and action items from today's meeting. Please let
me know if you have any changes or additions. These also are listed on the
wiki at: https://st.icann.org/icann-osc/index.cgi?constituency_operations_team.
PLEASE RESPOND RE: NEXT MEETING: On today's call the Work Team members
discussed the timing for the next meeting. It was suggested that the next
meeting should be held a little later and should be scheduled for 60, not 90
minutes. The suggested time is Friday, 26 February from 1330 to 1430 UTC (0530
to 0630 PST/0830 to 0930 EST). Please let me know as soon as possible if you
CANNOT meet at that time and, if so, if you have suggestions for an alternate
--Task 1, Subtask 1: Work Team members on the call agreed to revised
language presented by Rafik on Section 2, paragraph f and by Claudio on Section
3, paragraph 2. ACTION: All Work Team members are requested to review the
revised language at
as indicated in all caps and strikeout by Friday, 26 February. If no comments
are received by that date the recommendations will be considered accepted by
the Work Team.
--Task 1, Subtask 2: Work Team members on the call reviewed and discussed
changes through Part II, Section 3 Communications. ACTION: All Work Team
members are requested to review the revised language in all caps, strikeout,
and curly brackets through the end of Section 3 at
and provide any comments by Friday, 26 February.
Thank you very much.
Best regards,
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