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Re: [gnso-osc-csg] Actions/Summary: 23 April Meeting

  • To: Julie Hedlund <julie.hedlund@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: Re: [gnso-osc-csg] Actions/Summary: 23 April Meeting
  • From: Olga Cavalli <olgacavalli@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 23 Apr 2010 15:48:23 -0300

Thank you Julie for the email and the summary.
Please remember that we have a deadline on June 1st to submit our outcome
document for Task 1 to the OSC.
I encourage all of you to review the Task 1 document and make comments so we
can exchange ideas in our list or during the call.
As per Task 2, Debbie has prepared a draft document that sets the basis for
subworking team activities and outcomes. Please let her know if there are
suggested comments or additions.
Best regards and have a nice weekend.

2010/4/23 Julie Hedlund <julie.hedlund@xxxxxxxxx>

>  Dear Work Team members,
> Here are the actions/summary from today’s meeting.  Please let me know if
> you have any changes or questions.  Our next meeting will be held n*ext
> Friday, 30 April at 1300 UTC/0600 PST/0900 EST for one hour.*  The actions
> and summary are included on the wiki at: *
> https://st.icann.org/icann-osc/index.cgi?constituency_operations_team*.
> *Note that for your review I have attached two documents:
> *
>    - *Task 1:* Revised document incorporating Chuck’s changes and showing
>    as redline new additions for WT review, including introductory material,
>    changes to terminology, and a few comments provided by Chuck that have not
>    yet been discussed.
>    - *Task 2:* The general notes document provided by Debbie with
>    suggested edits by Olga.
> Best regards,
> Julie
> *Discussion/Action Items:
> *
> *Task 2:* The WT members agreed that the document provided by Debbie
> Hughes provided a good framework for the discussion. They also agreed that
> when the sub team develops its recommendations it should follow the format
> as in the Task 1 consolidated document. The WT agreed that it was not
> necessary to schedule a separate call of the sub team members at this time,
> but that sub team members should provide their comments on the framework
> document to Debbie for discussion at the next meeting on 30 April. *ACTION:
> WT and sub team members should review the framework document and provide
> their comments to Debbie. Julie will circulate a document with all comments
> prior to the meeting on 30 April.
> *
> *Task 1:* The WT members discussed the consolidated document and agreed
> that the format was good. However, they noted and as Chuck had suggested
> that it would be helpful to have introductory paragraphs of a sentence or
> two prior to each new section of recommendations. Julie also suggested it
> would be helpful to have a introduction with an explanation of the
> arrangement of the recommendations at the beginning of Section 2
> Recommendations. In addition, the WT members discussed whether the words
> "shall" should be changed to "should" for ease of readability.  However,
> some members noted that the meanings of the two words are not
> interchangeable.  In particular, "shall" indicates an imperative, but
> "should" does not. Thus, if "shall" is changed to "should" some readers
> could perceive this to suggest that the recommendations in the document are
> optional, not required.  However, WT members noted that there may be some
> instances when it might be better to use the word "should." The WT members
> agreed to change all instances of "should" to "shall" to help determine
> whether this terminology is appropriate in all cases. *ACTION: The WT
> members asked Julie to accept the edits made by Chuck, then to show as
> tracked changes the additional edits, including the introductory paragraphs
> and changes to terminology.*

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