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[gnso-osc-csg] Tomorrow's Call: Outreach Discussion with Scott Pinzon

  • To: gnso-osc-csg <gnso-osc-csg@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: [gnso-osc-csg] Tomorrow's Call: Outreach Discussion with Scott Pinzon
  • From: Julie Hedlund <julie.hedlund@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 6 May 2010 11:47:19 -0700

Dear Work Team members,

As previously agreed, Scott Pinzon, Director, Policy Communications/Information 
Services, will join us at half past the hour during the discussion on outreach 
to provide information and answer questions about current and planned efforts 
for communications relating to outreach.   He thought you might be interested 
in seeing an example of the types of efforts in which ICANN currently engaging 
to encourage outreach.  For your reference I have attached one example -- a 
one-page document entitled, “How Can I Help ICANN Shape the Future of the 

We look forward to discussing this and other thoughts on outreach with you 
tomorrow.  Thanks.

Best regards,


Attachment: ICANNonesheet-4[1].pdf
Description: Adobe PDF Document

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