[gnso-osc-csg] Actions/Summary: 28 May 2010
Dear Work Team members, Here are the actions from today’s meeting and the revised report. (You will find the summary on the wiki at: https://st.icann.org/icann-osc/index.cgi?constituency_operations_team.) Please let me know if you have any changes or questions. Our next meeting will be held in two weeks on Friday, 11 June at 1300 UTC/0600 PST/0900 EST for one hour. Best regards, Julie 28 May Meeting Notes/Action Items: Task 1: The Work Team agreed on some corrections/additions to the Task 1 recommendations. Specifically, Debra Hughes was added to the list of Work Team members supporting the majority recommendations and a list of Work Team members with designations as to whether they were subtask leaders was added as Appendix B. The list included an indication of which members were inactive. In addition, the Work Team added the word "Recommended" to the beginning of the title, added a reference to Appendix A at the beginning of Section 2, and accepted all of the changes suggested by Victoria. Action: Julie will revise the document (attached) and send it to the Work Team members who have until Monday, 31 May, to provide any final comments. Olga will send the document to the OSC on Monday. Task 2: The Work Team agreed to use the regularly scheduled Friday calls to meet to discuss Task 2. Debbie noted that there were two areas of focus: outreach to current constituency members and outreach to potential constituency members. Michael offered to work on specific objectives for the proposed ICANN Committee for Outreach. In particular, Michael thought that the Committee could develop a Workshop in coordination with the ISOC to be held in developing countries. The materials for the workshop could include an "ICANN for Dummies" guide along with other materials. He added that outreach efforts could include NGOs and business development organizations. Tony suggested adding knowledge management, Internet governance, and chambers of commerce. Olga offered to help with Latin America, particularly for Internet governance and universities. Rafik agreed to help and suggested working with ICANN's Global Partnerships. Debbie agreed to coordinate with other groups within ICANN to determine how best to establish the Outreach Committee. Action: Prior to the next meeting on Friday, 11 June, Task 2 sub team members should provide input to Michael via the list on the workshop, outreach areas, and any other suggestions. Sub team members also should send any ideas on the Committee concept to Debbie. Attachment:
Common Operating Principles Participation Guidelines GNSO SGs Constituencies Recommendations re GNSO Database of Members FINAL TO OSC 28 May.doc