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Re: [gnso-osc-csg] Motion as Approved on the Call Today

  • To: Julie Hedlund <julie.hedlund@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: Re: [gnso-osc-csg] Motion as Approved on the Call Today
  • From: Olga Cavalli <olgacavalli@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 23 Jul 2010 10:38:16 -0300

Thanks Julie.

2010/7/23 Julie Hedlund <julie.hedlund@xxxxxxxxx>

>  Olga and Work Team members,
> Here is the motion as approved on today’s call.  Olga has agreed to present
> the motion and Rafik as agreed to second it.
> Thanks,
> Julie
> WHEREAS, the GNSO Council, at its 23 June 2010 meeting in Brussels,
> accepted a set of deliverables submitted by the GNSO Council Operations Work
> Team (GCOT) <*
> https://st.icann.org/icann-osc/index.cgi?gnso_operations_team*>  and the
> Constituency and Stakeholder Group Operations Work Team (CSG-WT) <*
> https://st.icann.org/icann-osc/index.cgi?constituency_operations_team*> ;
> WHEREAS, a twenty-one (21) day Public Comment Forum <*
> http://www.icann.org/en/public-comment/#gcot-csg-recommendations*>
> completed between 28 June 2010 and 18 July 2010 and a Staff Summary and
> Analysis <*
> http://forum.icann.org/lists/gcot-csg-recommendations/msg00001.html*> has
> been published;
> WHEREAS, the GNSO Council agreed to take action on the these deliverables
> as soon as possible after the end of the public comment period;
> WHEREAS, there were no public comments submitted that would amend any of
> the GCOT or CSG-WT recommendations;
> RESOLVED, that the GNSO Council approves the following set of GCOT
> documents, without further modification, and directs Staff to publish a new
> version of the GNSO Operating Procedures (GOP) containing these sections and
> chapters:
> ·         Section 2.1-Council Member Term Limits <*
> http://gnso.icann.org/drafts/draft-gnso-op-procedures-term-limits-24may10-en.pdf
> *>
> ·         Section 2.4-Board Seat Elections <*
> http://gnso.icann.org/drafts/draft-gnso-op-procedures-board-seat-elections-24may10-en.pdf
> *>
> ·         Section 3.8-Absences and Vacancies <*
> http://gnso.icann.org/drafts/draft-gnso-op-procedures-absences-vacancies-11jun10-en.pdf
> *>
> ·         Chapter 4.0-Voting <*
> http://gnso.icann.org/drafts/draft-gnso-op-procedures-voting-11jun10-en.pdf
> *>
> ·         Chapter 5.0-Statements and Disclosures of Interest <*
> http://gnso.icann.org/drafts/draft-gnso-op-procedures-soi-doi-11jun10-en.pdf
> *>
> o   Note that two sections, 5.3.2 and 5.3.3, are not approved pending
> further Staff action to be determined.  These sections are footnoted in the
> document as “inactive” until subsequently approved by the OSC and Council.
> RESOLVED FURTHER, that the GNSO Council approves the following CSG-WT
> deliverable and directs Staff to provide these recommendations to GNSO
> Stakeholder Groups and Constituencies for use in amending their charters, as
> appropriate:
> ·         Recommended Common Operating Principles and Participation
> Guidelines for GNSO Stakeholder Groups and Constituencies; and  <*
> http://gnso.icann.org/drafts/draft-csg-recommendations-task-27may10-en.pdf
> *>
> Recommendations on a GNSO Database of Community Members <*
> http://gnso.icann.org/drafts/draft-csg-recommendations-task-27may10-en.pdf
> *>

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