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[gnso-osc-ops] Attachments Re: ACTION ITEMS: OSC-GNSO Operations Work Team 27 May Meeting

  • To: "GNSO Ops Work Team" <gnso-osc-ops@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: [gnso-osc-ops] Attachments Re: ACTION ITEMS: OSC-GNSO Operations Work Team 27 May Meeting
  • From: "Julie Hedlund" <jahedlund@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 27 May 2009 18:01:27 -0400

Dear Work Team Members,

Here are the attachments referenced in the following email.

Best regards,

  -----Original Message-----
  From: owner-gnso-osc-ops@xxxxxxxxx [mailto:owner-gnso-osc-ops@xxxxxxxxx]On
Behalf Of Julie Hedlund
  Sent: Wednesday, May 27, 2009 4:48 PM
  To: GNSO Ops Work Team
  Subject: [gnso-osc-ops] ACTION ITEMS: OSC-GNSO Operations Work Team 27 May

  Dear Work Team Members,

  Thank you for today's meeting.  Here are the action items and main points
we discussed.  Please let me know if you have any changes or questions.
Also attached is a revised SOI/DOI draft policy document based on our
discussion, as well as the most recent version of the high-level operating
principles.  This also is posted on the updated wiki at:
https://st.icann.org/icann-osc/index.cgi?gnso_operations_team.  In addition,
when they are available, I will post the meeting transcript and MP3.

  Action Items:
  1. Statements/Disclosures of Interest: Julie Hedlund incorporated the
changes from the 27 May meeting discussion into a revised document and
circulated it to the team. (See attached document.) Team members will review
the revised draft and suggest any final changes.
  2. High-Level Operating Principles: By 03 June --
  --Team members will review the current draft document (attached) and
provide any suggested changes as well as any responses/notes relating to
community comments. After final changes are incorporated into the draft
document, Ray will circulate it to the constituencies.
  3. GNSO Council Rules of Procedure: Prior to the 10 June meeting --
  --Work Team members will review the current GNSO Council Rules of
Procedure and Julie Hedlund will work with Rob Hoggarth to draft suggestions
concerning which of the Rules of Procedure may be a priority for the team to
  27 May 2009 Meeting -- Main Discussion Points:
  1. Statements/Disclosures of Interest:
  The team reviewed the revised draft document and suggested changes to
definitions, Section 4.2, and Section 5.2 that Julie Hedlund will
incorporate into a revised document. Team members agreed to review the
revised draft and suggest any final changes.
  2. High Level-Operating Principles:
  Ray circulated to the team comments received thus far from the select
group of community members for consideration. After extensive discussion,
the team agreed that by 03 June members would 1) review the current draft
document and questions in light of comments received thus far and decide
whether the questions asked should be narrower/more specific; 2) review the
comments received thus far and, 3) provide to the email list any comments
concerning the draft document, questions, and community comments. Ray agreed
to circulate the revised draft document to the constituencies.
  3. GNSO Council Rules of Procedure:
  Despite the extended transition period for seating the new GNSO Council
suggested by a recent Board resolution, the team agreed to turn its
attention to the revision of the  GNSO Council Rules of Procedure as a
priority action item.

  Best regards,


  Julie Hedlund
  Policy Consultant

Attachment: GNSO OSC GCOT WT Draft SOI-DOI Policy 26 May 09 Edits.doc
Description: MS-Word document

Attachment: GNSO Ops WT Proposed GNSO Structure (JHv4RAv3THv1).doc
Description: MS-Word document

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