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[gnso-osc-ops] Sydney meeting with OSC

  • To: "'GNSO Ops Work Team'" <gnso-osc-ops@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: [gnso-osc-ops] Sydney meeting with OSC
  • From: "Ray Fassett" <ray@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 15 Jun 2009 09:32:44 -0400



It is proving very difficult to coordinate a meeting for our work team with
OSC members on Saturday due to the heavy scheduling of OSC members that day.
While we could potentially force in a meeting on Saturday, I feel we will
have a much better chance at both attendance and less distractions if we
schedule the meeting with OSC members for the last 45 minutes, 2:15 to 3:00
local time, of our scheduled meeting on Sunday.


If there are no objections I will confirm this with Chuck tomorrow.


As a reminder, this is the proposed agenda for our meeting with the OSC


1.      capitalize on a face-to-face meeting with the OSC to update them on
our progress and discuss a single work item that needs broader input to
2.      an update from all OSC work teams vis-à-vis progress to date and
which issues are perplexing them, as examples, that would enable all of the
work team participants to better understand where/how the work they are
undertaking fits into the whole.
3.      solicit feedback on the SOI/DOI document work product


Please let me know by end of day today if there are any strong objections to
formally scheduling our meeting with the OSC members for the last 45 minutes
if our scheduled 2 hour meeting on Sunday.


Ray Fassett



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