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[gnso-osc-ops] ACTION ITEMS/SUMMARY: GNSO Operations Work Team 22 July Meeting

  • To: "GNSO Ops Work Team" <gnso-osc-ops@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: [gnso-osc-ops] ACTION ITEMS/SUMMARY: GNSO Operations Work Team 22 July Meeting
  • From: "Julie Hedlund" <jahedlund@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 22 Jul 2009 17:57:49 -0400

Dear Work Team Members,

Here are the actions items and discussion summary from today's call.  Please
let me know if you have any questions or edits.  These also are posted on
the Work Team wiki at:

Thank you.

Best regards,


Action Items:
1. GNSO Council Rules of Procedure: Julie Hedlund will distribute to the
Work Team for consideration an amended and redlined version of the Rules of
Procedure including proposed Bylaws changes, edits relating to the work of
the PPSC PDP and WG Work Team, and proposed language on absentee voting in
Section 16 by 29 July.
2. Proposed GNSO Structure: Ron Andruff will reformat the document and Ray
will send it out to the constituency members for comment.
3. SOI/DOI Document: Ray will check on the status of comments from ICANN
Legal Staff who are reviewing the document.
Discussion Summary:
1. GNSO Council Rules of Procedure:
Several Work Team members said that it would be helpful to see a version of
the Rules of Procedure document that indicated changes resulting from the
proposed Bylaws changes as well as any recommendations currently proposed by
the PPSC PDP and WG Work Teams.  Julie agreed to amend the document
accordingly and to send it to team members for consideration by 29 July. In
addition, members said it was important to define in more detail how
absentee voting would be conducted.  Julie agreed to suggest some language
as a starting point for discussion.  Ken noted the problem of multiple
membership in constituencies with respect to voting and circulated some
ideas relating to this issue in a message to the team.
2. Proposed GNSO Structure:
Ron agreed to reformat the document and Ray will send it to constituency
members.  Glen confirmed that the Work Team email list could not be used for
responses since only people on the list can send messages to the list.  She
recommended using the GNSO Secretariat email.
3. SOI/DOI document:
Ray agreed to check on the status of comments from ICANN Legal Staff who are
reviewing the document.

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