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RE: [gnso-osc-ops] ACTIONS/SUMMARY: OSC-GNSO Operations Work Team 12 August Meeting

  • To: "gnso-osc-ops@xxxxxxxxx" <gnso-osc-ops@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: RE: [gnso-osc-ops] ACTIONS/SUMMARY: OSC-GNSO Operations Work Team 12 August Meeting
  • From: Kieren McCarthy <kieren.mccarthy@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 13 Aug 2009 08:34:34 -0700

Hello all, 

I realise I am coming to this very late in the day but I have two suggested 
additions that I would like you to consider.

1. Re: closed meetings. Section 5.1. It says: "Except where determined by a 
majority vote of members of the GNSO Council present that a closed session is 
appropriate, meetings shall be open to physical or electronic attendance by all 
interested persons." 

Would it be possible to include language that requires the Council to register 
the votes and the reason for holding a closed session? The default for 
accountability and transparency is to hold open sessions, so I think it would 
be useful to record when that isn't the case. It would emphasise that it is an 
exception and allow people to see why a meeting is closed.

2. One of the consistent complaints I hear from the community is that it isn't 
clear how their input into, particularly, public comment periods has any impact 
within ICANN itself. It was a main theme of the joint AC/SO session in Sydney, 
for example. ("There is a lack of visibility of the impact that volunteer input 
has on decision making..." - http://syd.icann.org/acso)

Also under the organization's consultation principles approved by the Board in 
Feb 2008, there is the provision that ICANN will "Request explicit discussion 
of that summary and analysis by the relevant body while discussing the topic 
under consideration." - 

So could you add some wording in the Operating Procedures that says the Council 
will explicitly discuss the content of a summary/analysis of a relevant comment 
period while discussing the topic that the comment period is about?

That way you emphasize the importance of community input while allowing the 
Council to continue to make the actual decisions.

Thanks all,


Kieren McCarthy
General manager of public participation, ICANN

From: owner-gnso-osc-ops@xxxxxxxxx [owner-gnso-osc-ops@xxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of 
Ron Andruff [randruff@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx]
Sent: Thursday, August 13, 2009 7:35 AM
To: KnobenW@xxxxxxxxxx; Julie Hedlund; gnso-osc-ops@xxxxxxxxx
Subject: RE: [gnso-osc-ops] ACTIONS/SUMMARY: OSC-GNSO Operations Work Team 12 
August Meeting

Dear all,

I support Wolf-Ulrich’s edits and additions.  With this email I confirm my 
support for the language as written vis-à-vis Sections: 4.1, 5.8, 16, and 17.

Thank you,


Ronald N. Andruff

RNA Partners, Inc.

220 Fifth Avenue, 20th floor

New York, New York 10001


V: +1 212 481 2820 x 11

F:  +1 212 481 2859

From: owner-gnso-osc-ops@xxxxxxxxx [mailto:owner-gnso-osc-ops@xxxxxxxxx] On 
Behalf Of KnobenW@xxxxxxxxxx
Sent: 2009-08-13 06:47
To: julie.hedlund@xxxxxxxxx; gnso-osc-ops@xxxxxxxxx
Subject: AW: [gnso-osc-ops] ACTIONS/SUMMARY: OSC-GNSO Operations Work Team 12 
August Meeting


please find my comments/amendments to the related sections of the Operating 
Procedures attached.

Best regards

Von: owner-gnso-osc-ops@xxxxxxxxx [mailto:owner-gnso-osc-ops@xxxxxxxxx] Im 
Auftrag von Julie Hedlund
Gesendet: Mittwoch, 12. August 2009 22:11
An: gnso-osc-ops
Betreff: [gnso-osc-ops] ACTIONS/SUMMARY: OSC-GNSO Operations Work Team 12 
August Meeting
Dear Work Team members,

Here are the actions items and summary, which also are posted to the wiki at: 
https://st.icann.org/icann-osc/index.cgi?gnso_operations_team.  Please let me 
know if you have any questions or additions.  The relevant documents are 
attached and also posted to the wiki.  The next meeting will on 19 August at 
our regularly scheduled time of 1600 UTC.

Thank you,


Action Items:
1. GNSO Council Rules of Procedure: URGENT: Prior to the meeting on 19 August 
Work Team members should review the document GNSO Operating Procedures 
(attached) Sections: 4.1, 5.8, 16, and 17 and provide comments concerning 
2. Proposed GNSO Structure: Julie is collecting comments.
3. SOI/DOI Document: Julie will check on the status of the document with ICANN 
legal staff.

Discussion Summary:
1. GNSO Council Rules of Procedure:
The Work Team revised sections 4.2, 4.3, 5.1, 5.2, 5.3, 5.4, 5.5, 5.5a, 5.6 and 
5.7. They agreed that Work Team members could, if they wished, circulate a 
document with just these revised sections to their Constituency's GNSO Council 
representatives to give them a chance to see recommended changes thus far and 
to see if they might have suggestions or questions. Ray agreed to circulate the 
document to Chuck Gomes, Chair of the OSC (attached). For next week's meeting, 
the team decided to address sections 4.1, 5.8, and 16. Wolf-Ulrich noted that 
there is some language that has been proposed to be deleted from the bylaws on 
absentee voting that should be included in the revised procedures. He provided 
the language to Julie and she included it in the revised document. After the 
meeting Julie also noted that there is language pertaining to observers that 
has been deleted from the Bylaws that also should be added to the procedures 
and she included it as a new Section 17 Observers.

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