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Re: [gnso-osc-ops] ACTIONS: OSC GNSO Council Operations WT 09 Sept 2009 Meeting

  • To: Avri Doria <avri@xxxxxxx>
  • Subject: Re: [gnso-osc-ops] ACTIONS: OSC GNSO Council Operations WT 09 Sept 2009 Meeting
  • From: Julie Hedlund <julie.hedlund@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 11 Sep 2009 12:03:20 -0700

Hi Avri,

Thanks so much.  These are very helpful changes.  I will make them along with 
the item clarified by Wolf-Ulrich and send around a new draft.

Best regards,


On 9/11/09 2:32 PM, "Avri Doria" <avri@xxxxxxx> wrote:


On 11 Sep 2009, at 13:50, Julie Hedlund wrote:

> <GNSO Council Operating Procedures Rev090911 edits.doc>

sorry to be late to the party, a few comments to consider:

3.1.2 needs a footnote indicating that work is ongoing on these in the
various Committee and Work teams


>                     iii.  In the second ballot, in case neither
> candidate reaches the 60 percent of both houses threshold, a third
> ballot will be held between the leader and "none of the above."

might be better to say:

In case neither candidate reaches the 60 percent   ...hold, a second
ballot will be held between the leader ...


> Except where determined by a majority vote of members of both houses
> of the GNSO Council present that a closed session is appropriate,
> meetings shall be open to physical or electronic attendance by all
> interested persons.

there had been discussion (i think) of the addition of a line such as:

The reason for such as closed session as well as the result of the
vote will be published in the minutes.

and a line i would recommend adding between the two.

Such a vote shall be taken by polling of the members.

i.e. not a voice vote or a consensus based on no objection.


> 5. 3 Who May Cast Votes
> All actions of, or votes by, the GNSO Council are taken or cast only
> by the members of the GNSO Council.  Persons who are not Council
> members may not vote.  Acts by the GNSO Council members present at
> any meeting at which there is a quorum shall be acts of the GNSO
> Council, unless otherwise provided herein. (See Section 5(4) of this
> Article concerning the number of votes that GNSO Council members may
> cast.)

should have caught this before

Might want to make it

Who may make motions or cast votes

All motions, actions, or votes by ....


> Abstentions count as votes cast

In keeping with current practice, do you want to change to:

Abstentions count as votes cast and shall include a reason for the


> Within 5 working days of a GNSO Council meeting,

I thought at the last meeting, we had extended this to 8 days.


> Such observers shall not be members of or entitled to vote on the
> GNSO Council,

Such observers shall not be members of or entitled to vote or make
motions on the GNSO Council,

that is all i caught on this quick reading.

again apologies for being so last minute.,


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