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[gnso-osc-ops] FW: GNSO Operating Procedures Final Drafts

  • To: "'gnso-osc-ops'" <gnso-osc-ops@xxxxxxxxx>, "'Robert Hoggarth'" <robert.hoggarth@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: [gnso-osc-ops] FW: GNSO Operating Procedures Final Drafts
  • From: "Ray Fassett" <ray@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 11 Sep 2009 21:43:49 -0400

Work Team members, please see 2 final drafts attached of the RoP per Julie's
preface below.  There have been some further edits this afternoon so please
take a look and let me know if any questions.


Chuck, please use these versions to share with OSC members at this time.
Any further comment from GCOT work team members or OSC members are to be
submitted by end of business day next Tuesday.  On Wednesday, our
expectation is for the 2 final draft versions to be sent the GNSO Council
for its review.


Thanks for the effort on this everyone.





From: Julie Hedlund [mailto:julie.hedlund@xxxxxxxxx] 
Sent: Friday, September 11, 2009 6:44 PM
To: Ray Fassett
Cc: Robert Hoggarth
Subject: GNSO Operating Procedures Final Drafts



As we discussed, here are two draft documents that include the final changes
suggested by Chuck as well as those we received today from Avri,
Wolf-Ullrich, and Ron:

1.      GNSO Council Operating Procedures Rev090911 Final Draft MARKUP.doc,
which shows original unchanged text in black, additions/changes in red, and
deletions as stricken. 
2.      GNSO Council Operating Procedures Rev090911 Final Draft CLEAN.doc,
in which all changes are accepted and shown as complete.

Please let me know if you have any questions or would like me to make any
additional changes.

Thank you!


Attachment: GNSO Council Operating Procedures Rev090911 Final Draft MARKUP.doc
Description: MS-Word document

Attachment: GNSO Council Operating Procedures Rev090911 Final Draft CLEAN.doc
Description: MS-Word document

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