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[gnso-osc-ops] FW: Section 2.1 - Term Limits

  • To: <gnso-osc-ops@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: [gnso-osc-ops] FW: Section 2.1 - Term Limits
  • From: "Ray Fassett" <ray@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 4 Mar 2010 17:38:00 -0500

I think Ken makes good suggestions here (see attached and below).  Assuming
approval by Avri as the Chair for Sunday's meeting of the GCOT, I would
recommend the Work Team take under consideration the attached as an agenda


Please see other constructive comments offered by Ken below.





From: Ken Bour [mailto:ken.bour@xxxxxxxxxxx] 
Sent: Wednesday, March 03, 2010 1:15 PM
To: 'Ray Fassett'
Cc: Robert Hoggarth; julie.hedlund@xxxxxxxxx
Subject: Section 2.1 - Term Limits




One of the additional tasks that the GCOT may consider is the replacement
for Section 2.1 in the GNSO Operating Procedures dealing with Council Member
Term Limits.   The attached document contains all of the relevant
information for team review.    For a welcome change, it is a relatively
short section; so, hopefully, it won't be too time-consuming on the GCOT's


There are several more procedures that will ultimately create new versions
of the GNSO Operating Procedures, e.g.: 

*        Rewrite of Section 4-Voting to include new abstentions provisions
(submitted to OSC for review/approval)

*        ***Paragraph 2.1 on Term Limits (waiting for GCOT review) 

*        ***Generalized Board Seat Elections procedure to replace the
transitional one (Ken to write 1st draft-TBD)

*        Paragraph 4.4 on Absentee Voting (possible review by OSC in

*        New Section 3.8 on Absences to include allowing Temporary Alternate
for long-term illness (removed from 4.5-Abstentions on Legal recommendation;
Ken to write 1st draft - TBD)

*        New Section 5-SOI/DOI (submitted to OSC for review; in progress) 


*** Referenced in the Bylaws


Please let me know if there is anything else you need from me.   


I noticed the reference to an Exec Summary for SOI/DOI procedures.  Although
I performed some late editing to the document, I wasn't involved with the
team during its original development.   I would be happy to assist with
drafting the Exec Summary, but I'm not sure that I understand the team's
"rationale" sufficiently to do it justice.   




Attachment: Section 2.1-Term Limits Special Circumstance (KBv1-RHv1).doc
Description: MS-Word document

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