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[gnso-osc-ops] PPSC Work Team Overlap?

  • To: "'Ray Fassett'" <ray@xxxxxxxxx>, <gnso-osc-ops@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: [gnso-osc-ops] PPSC Work Team Overlap?
  • From: "Ken Bour" <ken.bour@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 04 Mar 2010 18:02:06 -0500

Ray and GCOT:


I have included below what the WG Team inserted - thus far --  in its
"Guidelines."  You can view the entire document, which is open for public
comment through 22 March, at:


Other than references within the Guidelines to the requirement for SOIs
(e.g. 2.1.1 & 6.1.1-Announcement of a WG, 2.1.4-First Meeting of a WG,
6.1.2-Transparency & Openness), the material included that overlaps with the
GCOT procedure is contained in Section 2.1.2, which I have copied/pasted
verbatim below:


"2.1.2 Membership Applications [KB Note: this material is also duplicated in Charter Template]  


The GNSO Secretariat will be tasked to gather expressions of interest to
participate in a WG. Following the submission of an expression of interest,
the GNSO Secretariat will verify that the submission has been received from
a 'real person'. If the expression of interest has been made on behalf of a
company or organization, a primary point of contact and alternate will be
required in order to be eligible for WG membership. 


Following the 'real person' verification, the GNSO Secretariat will send a
confirmation of receipt together with a request for a Statement of Interest
(SOI), using the model below, and any additional guidance as to whether a
Disclosure of Interest (DOI) is expected to be submitted.


Statement of Interest(1) Template 

(1)     A statement made by Relevant Parties involved in policy development
or other relevant processes, not less frequently than once a year and
updated whenever there is a material change, that provides a declaration of
direct or indirect interests that may affect a Relevant Party's judgment, or
be perceived to affect that individual's judgment on all matters to be
considered by GNSO Policy Council, members of Working Groups, or other
relevant policy development bodies. 


[Editorial Note: As developed by the OSC GNSO Operations Work Team. To be
cross-referenced and updated once Operations Work Team has finalized the


1. Current vocation, employer and position 

2. Type of work performed in #1 above 

3. Identify any financial ownership or senior management/leadership interest
in registries, registrars or other firms that are interested parties in
ICANN policy or any entity with which ICANN has a transaction, contract, or
other arrangement. 

4. Identify any type of commercial or non-commercial interest in ICANN GNSO
policy development processes and outcomes. Are you representing other
parties? Describe any arrangements/agreements between you and any other
group, constituency or person(s) regarding your nomination/selection as a
work team member. Describe any tangible or intangible benefit that you
receive from participation in such processes. For example, if you are an
academic or NGO and use your position to advance your ability to
participate, this should be a part of the statement of interest, just as
should employment by a contracted party, or a business relationship with a
non- contracted party who has an interest in policy outcomes. 


Disclosure of Interest(2)

(2)     A disclosure made by a Relevant Party of direct or indirect
interests that may be commercially or non-commercially oriented (e.g.,
commercial benefit such as payment; non-commercial or non-tangible forms of
benefit such as publicity, political or academic visibility) that may affect
judgment, or be perceived to affect a Relevant Party's judgment on a
particular issue.


Relevant Parties shall provide a Disclosure of Interest setting forth any
direct or indirect interests that may affect a Relevant Party's judgment, or
be perceived to affect a Relevant Party's judgment on an issue that is under
review, consideration or discussion. 

The GNSO Secretariat shall post all SOIs, DOIs, any other self-selection
disclosures or other related team member documents that have been received
to the WG's workspace (or alternate). 


If a member of the Working Group still has not submitted a SOI after three
reminders from the GNSO Secretariat, that member shall be removed from the
WG mailing and membership list, unless the Chair of the WG decides that
there are extenuating circumstances that allow for additional time for the
member in question to submit the missing documents. Once the member in
question has submitted the missing SOI, his or her membership will be


As the Editorial Note above indicates, it was/is the intention of the WG
Team to cross-reference the GCOT SOI/DOI procedures once they are finalized.


My perspective is that Staff should be assigned the responsibility to ensure
that all of the GNSO Operating Procedures sections are properly synchronized
and cross-referenced where applicable.   


I hope this helps with the team's deliberations in Nairobi.  


Ken Bour


From: owner-gnso-osc-ops@xxxxxxxxx [mailto:owner-gnso-osc-ops@xxxxxxxxx] On
Behalf Of Ray Fassett
Sent: Thursday, March 04, 2010 5:28 PM
To: gnso-osc-ops@xxxxxxxxx
Cc: 'Ken Bour'; 'Julie Hedlund'; 'Robert Hoggarth'
Subject: [gnso-osc-ops] PPSC Work Team overlap?


So it appears to me that the PPSC Working Group Work Team has also worked on
"Statement of Interest" and "Disclosure of Interest".  Can anyone inform me
if any overlap to the extensive work of our work team on this subject?  I
recommend this to be an agenda as part of the Sunday meeting in Nairobi to
understand and perhaps even compare ideas and overall strengthen.  Or am I
out in left field some where?



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