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[gnso-osc-ops] Actions/Summary: 24 March 2010 Meeting

  • To: gnso-osc-ops <gnso-osc-ops@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: [gnso-osc-ops] Actions/Summary: 24 March 2010 Meeting
  • From: Julie Hedlund <julie.hedlund@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 24 Mar 2010 13:57:34 -0700

Dear Work Team members,

Below are the action items and a brief summary of the discussion at our 24 
March meeting.  Please let me know if you have any questions or changes.  These 
are posted on our wiki at: 
https://st.icann.org/icann-osc/index.cgi?gnso_operations_team.  Note also that 
our next meeting will be Wednesday, 07 April at 1700 UTC (10:00 PST, 13:00 EST, 
19:00 CEST, 20:00 Jerusalem, 01:00 Taiwan 08 April).  Thank you.

Best regards,


Action Items:
1. Abstention Procedures: Ken Bour will provide language on vacancies.
2. SOI/DOI: Julie Hedlund will provide final version to Ray Fassett and the WT 
for Ray to deliver to the OSC (Philip Sheppard).  DONE--See attached documents 
in .doc and .pdf
3. Section 2.1 Term Limits -- Special Circumstances: Ken Bour will provide 
revised draft language.
4. Remaining procedures changes: Ken Bour will provide draft text on Section 
3.8 Absences, further revisions to sections in 4.0, and the new Board election 

1. Abstention Procedures: The OSC discussed the Abstention procedures at its 
Nairobi meeting on 07 March. During the discussion Steve Metalitz how the 
procedures addressed councilor vacancies. Ken Bour noted that in the case of a 
vacancy the Stakeholder Group could appoint a Temporary Alternate. However, the 
OSC noted that it was not clear whether a vacancy would alter the denominator 
for the purpose of voting. The OSC asked the WT to further discuss this issue. 
The WT decided that the denominator should not change. Ken Bour agreed to draft 
language and circulate it to the WT to review.

2. SOI/DOI: In its 07 March meeting the WT completed discussion on additional 
changes to the SOI/DOI document and agreed to submit the revised version to the 
OSC for review. At the 24 March meeting it agreed to have Ray Fassett send the 
document to the OSC.

3. Term Limits -- Special Circumstances: The WT discussed draft language for a 
new section 2.1 in the GNSO Council Operating Procedures on special 
circumstances for exceptions to term limits. The WT agreed to the following 
changes: To make it more difficult to gain approval for an exception, the 
percentage for approval in Section 2.1.1 was raised from greater than 50% to 
greater than 60%. In Section 2.1.2 it was raised from greater than 50% to 
greater than 75%.

4. Work Plan Priorities: The WT discussed the fact that the OSC has directed 
the all of its WTs to complete their work by 01 June for approval at the ICANN 
Brussels meeting. Given this deadline, the WT agreed to prioritize the 
remaining items accordingly. Ken Bour agreed to provide draft text for the WT 
to review, including incorporating changes as necessary into Section 4.0, 
--New Section 3.8 on Absences to include allowing Temporary Alternate for 
long-term illness
--Recording the reasons for a vote in addition to just abstentions
--Absentee voting
--New generalized Board Seat Elections procedures

Attachment: GNSO OSC GCOT WT Draft SOI-DOI Policy 07 March 2010.doc
Description: GNSO OSC GCOT WT Draft SOI-DOI Policy 07 March 2010.doc

Attachment: GNSO OSC GCOT WT Draft SOI-DOI Policy 07 March 2010.pdf
Description: GNSO OSC GCOT WT Draft SOI-DOI Policy 07 March 2010.pdf

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