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[gnso-osc-ops] Action Items from GCOT Teleconference on 7 April 2010

  • To: <gnso-osc-ops@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: [gnso-osc-ops] Action Items from GCOT Teleconference on 7 April 2010
  • From: "Ken Bour" <ken.bour@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 07 Apr 2010 17:21:29 -0400

GCOT Members:


Before Staff begins taking action, I thought it might be helpful to
summarize the action items emanating from today's teleconference (7 April
2010).    I listened to the MP3 recording to be sure that I captured the
outcomes as accurately as possible.  


1)      STAFF:  prepare an exhaustive list of GCOT tasks, in the following
buckets, for delivery by Ray to Philip Sheppard (OSC Chair):   

a)      Assigned tasks that have been SENT to the OSC (*) and are considered
finished by the GCOT

b)     Assigned tasks the team expects to SEND to the OSC by 1 June 

c)      Assigned tasks that are not expected to be SENT to the OSC by 1 June

[Note:  at present, I don't believe there are any in this category; but, we
can reserve if needed later]

For the sake of completeness.

d)     GOP sections that are not recommended for amendment 

e)      GOP sections that are being addressed by other Work Teams and are
not part of the GCOT's Charter

(*)  Ken recommends that, instead of using the term "Completed," the GCOT
state "SENT to the OSC" which can be interpreted as finished by the team
unless otherwise notified.   If a document is sent back for additional work,
Staff can reverse the status to "Under Review."   


2)      STAFF:  Section 2.1 - Term Limits

a)      Clean up final redlining and prepare document to be sent to the OSC
by GCOT Chair


3)      STAFF:  Section 2.4 - Board Seat Elections

a)      Draft is now available and will be sent to the GCOT for its review
today or tomorrow


4)      STAFF:  per Absentee Voting discussion, alter all relevant sections
(e.g. 3.8, 4.4, 4.5) to be consistent with the following:

a)      Absentee voting will remain restricted to the cases that are in the
current procedures

b)     Planned absences will have remedies available 

Absentee voting if the topic permits it according to the current rules

Abstention invoking either Proxy or TA (at the SG's discretion)

c)      Unplanned absences will only have one practical remedy

Absentee voting if the topic permits it using the current rules

[Note:  abstention is not available due to lack of advanced notice,
therefore, if i. does not apply, the vote is not cast]

d)     Both obligational and volitional abstentions will continue to have
remedies as currently drafted 

e)      The "Leave of Absence" material will remain as currently drafted,
subject to further review by the team. 


I will attempt to complete these items in the order shown above unless
otherwise directed.  


Ken Bour


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