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[gnso-osc-ops] Revised Chart: GCOT Activities for OSC

  • To: Ray Fassett <ray@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: [gnso-osc-ops] Revised Chart: GCOT Activities for OSC
  • From: Julie Hedlund <julie.hedlund@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 7 Apr 2010 15:58:31 -0700


Ken has revised the chart as discussed in today’s meeting.  Note that since the 
chart is for Philip to track OSC action items (as opposed to the GCOT WT to 
track its completed items) we suggest indicating GCOT WT action items that are 
completed as being “sent to the OSC” as opposed to as “complete.”  We suggest 
this because we think to mark them as “complete” could indicate in Philip’s 
point of view that they have been completed by the OSC (that is, sent on to the 
Council and approved by the Council).

We do understand that you want to make it clear which action items that the 
GCOT WT has completed.  One way we might suggest that you could do this is to 
emphasize to Philip in your email to him that items sent by the GCOT WT to the 
OSC are considered as complete by the WT (unless they come back from the OSC 
for further action).

Please let us know if you would like us to make any changes to the chart.

Thanks so much.

Best regards,


Attachment: GCOT Task Status for OSC - April 2010.doc
Description: GCOT Task Status for OSC - April 2010.doc

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