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AW: [gnso-osc-ops] Draft Section 2.4 - Board Seat Elections

  • To: <avri@xxxxxxx>, <gnso-osc-ops@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: AW: [gnso-osc-ops] Draft Section 2.4 - Board Seat Elections
  • From: <KnobenW@xxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 21 Apr 2010 11:26:11 +0200

I'm ok with this process proposal.

The deadline for seat #14 election is fixed. If the NCPH failes tofinalize 
their internal election procedure in advance then we'll have an "interim case" 
as with #13.
Avri, for Brussels I see the necessity to discuss this topic at a NCPH meeting 
and mandating a drafting team accordingly. Actually I'm promoting this idea 
within the CSG. Maybe you'll do the same with the NCSG?


-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von: owner-gnso-osc-ops@xxxxxxxxx [mailto:owner-gnso-osc-ops@xxxxxxxxx] Im 
Auftrag von Avri Doria
Gesendet: Mittwoch, 14. April 2010 18:51
An: gnso-osc-ops
Betreff: Re: [gnso-osc-ops] Draft Section 2.4 - Board Seat Elections


process seems ok, but i am not clear what the final part means.

> Each House is responsible for establishing its own internal procedures for 
> nominations, interviews, voting, and candidate selection; however, those 
> processes must be documented and forwarded to the GNSO Council for inclusion 
> as ANNEXES to the GNSO Operating Procedures.  These ANNEXES must be amended, 
> as required, so that they accurately reflect the actual processes and 
> activities performed by each House in selecting its candidate.   

I understand that the house figure out their own process for nomination etc and 
I understand that they document it

(though we do have to acknowledge that we are heaping more functionality onto 
the entities that are really just supposed to be counting fictions.  from the 
non contracted party house perspective, we weren't even able to agree on having 
a meeting to discuss such things let alone do anything in a coordinated way as 
peers - so i wish us luck with this)

it is the last sentence that confused me.  are you talking about amending the 
annexes before the elections if they change the process or after the elections 
is they do something other then what they planned, or ...


On 8 Apr 2010, at 10:50, Ken Bour wrote:

> GCOT Members:
> Attached is proposed draft for Section 2.4 - Board Seat Elections.  
> As you may recall, this past January the Council approved a transitional 
> procedure only for Board Seat #13.   The schedule for nominations, 
> interviews, voting, etc., and associated dates were placed in ANNEX 1; 
> Section 2.4 merely referred to that ANNEX with a footnote.  
> The attached document generalizes the timeline for Board Seat Elections and, 
> once approved, will eliminate the need for the transitional procedures (e.g. 
> ANNEX 1). 
> Glen de Saint Gery helped me assemble the set of required activities and when 
> they should occur (see Table 1) backing up from the date that a Board Seat 
> becomes vacant according to the Bylaws.
> You will note that we did not write out specific procedures for each House in 
> terms of HOW to conduct nominations, interviews, and voting - only WHEN.   
> The transitional ANNEX, approved in January, permitted the Contracted Parties 
> House (CPH) to determine its own internal procedures and, during the 
> associated public comment forum, community members requested that the same 
> opportunity be provided to the NCPH when Board Seat #14 was up election.   In 
> order to ensure that both Houses develop and follow their election processes 
> transparently, we drafted a requirement that their detailed procedures be 
> documented and submitted to the Council for inclusion in the GOP as ANNEXES.  
>  This approach would give the Council and the Board visibility into these 
> Board Seat election procedures and would also subject them to a 21-day public 
> comment per Bylaws, Article X, Section 3(4).  
> Glen advises me that the first opportunity to utilize this procedure will be 
> for Board Seat #14, which term expires in June 2011.   According to the steps 
> outlined in Table 1, the Non-Contracted Parties House (NCPH) would back up 5 
> months and begin nominations for that Board Seat in February 2011.  
> Ken Bour
> <GNSO Operating Proc-Section 2.4 Board Seat Elections (KBv2).doc>

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