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[gnso-osc-ops] Section 5- SOI/DOI Procedures for OSC Review

  • To: Ray Fassett <ray@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: [gnso-osc-ops] Section 5- SOI/DOI Procedures for OSC Review
  • From: Julie Hedlund <julie.hedlund@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 22 Apr 2010 06:46:28 -0700


Yesterday the Work Team agreed that the revised version of Section 5, the 
SOI/DOI procedures, is ready for OSC review.  This version includes changes as 
requested by Steve Metalitz as follows:

1.  "investment interest" be defined to exclude ownership of a de minimis 
number of shares in a publicly traded company.  Section AGREED and 

2.  Recognize that there will be circumstances in which a requirement (under 
section to disclose that (for example) a lawyer represents Google 
in a matter totally unrelated to anything in the ICANN purview could present a 
problem or at least a considerable delay in getting permission to disclose the 
representation.  AGREED it is covered under 5.5.1 as an extenuating 

3. Requirement to disclose "potential ... investment interest in  or 
compensation arrangement with...." contracted parties (section 
will need to be administered in a common-sense manner. AGREED, but the Work 
Team noted that we cannot have an answer for every potentiality so they agreed 
not to change the text but to look to common sense.

4.  Reference to "nomination/selection as a work team member" change to 
"participation"?  AGREED and changed.

5.  Reference to “Declarations of Interest” in Section .5.2.1 change to 
“Disclosures of Interest.”  AGREED and rest of the document checked to make 
sure all other instances are corrected.

In addition, the Work Team discussed comments received in the Public Comment 
period, particularly by INTA, and agreed to add a request for the respondent’s 
declared country of residence in Section 5.3.3.

The version for submission to the OSC is attached in redlined and clean 



Attachment: GNSO rules section 5.0 OSC pending Apr 2010 WT edits clean.doc
Description: GNSO rules section 5.0 OSC pending Apr 2010 WT edits clean.doc

Attachment: GNSO rules section 5.0 OSC pending Apr 2010 WT edits redline.doc
Description: GNSO rules section 5.0 OSC pending Apr 2010 WT edits redline.doc

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