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Re: [gnso-osc-ops] Revised Section 2.1 Term Limits Special Circumstance for OSC Review

  • To: Ken Stubbs <kstubbs@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: Re: [gnso-osc-ops] Revised Section 2.1 Term Limits Special Circumstance for OSC Review
  • From: Julie Hedlund <julie.hedlund@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 22 Apr 2010 06:45:24 -0700


This was discussed and agreed to at the meeting on 07 April.  See the 
abbreviated notes at: 
and the transcript at: 
http://gnso.icann.org/meetings/transcript-osc-ops-07apr10-en.pdf.  I will 
forward to you Ken Bour’s email with the revised version that was requested by 
the Work Team.

I will defer to Ray concerning the answer to your questions.



On 4/22/10 9:41 AM, "Ken Stubbs" <kstubbs@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Ken Stubbs wrote:
I have problems with the following paragraph:
see comments below:

2.1.2  If a Stakeholder Group wishes to have one of its Council members serve a 
third consecutive term under circumstances other than as provided in 2.1.1 
above, it shall document the details and provide its rationale to the GNSO 
Secretariat who will disseminate to the Council for consideration.  The Council 
may elect to apply a Special Circumstance, at its discretion, and such action 
will require greater than 75% affirmative vote in each House without requiring 
the abstention of any member.

1. did not find this in Ken Bours email. When was this agreed on?
2.   This sounds a lot like the US congress "good old boy, you take care of me 
and I'll take care of you"...  Other members of the council may also be 
reluctant to vote against this request  for fear of retribution in future 
votes..  This take  the "exception rule"  way too far...

On 4/22/2010 9:31 AM, Julie Hedlund wrote:
Revised Section 2.1 Term Limits Special Circumstance for OSC Review Ray,

Yesterday the Work Team agreed that Section 2.1 Term Limits is ready for 
consideration by the OSC.  Attached is the version that is ready to transmit.



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