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[gnso-osc-ops] Re: Forms and Voting Remedy Procedures

  • To: Avri Doria <avri@xxxxxxx>, gnso-osc-ops <gnso-osc-ops@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: [gnso-osc-ops] Re: Forms and Voting Remedy Procedures
  • From: Robert Hoggarth <robert.hoggarth@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 10 Sep 2010 15:07:46 -0700

Dear Avri and Team;

Transparency and more effective meeting process management are important
goals of the GNSO Improvements effort and a substantial component of a
number of the new GNSO operating Procedures (GOP). In a number of cases,
implementing those procedures requires a balance between the need to collect
specific information nuggets, the value of a consistent collection
methodology and the availability (or "findability") of the information
collected. The various forms that have been prepared to date try to maintain
that balance. 
For example, to meet the community goal of transparency, SOI/DOIs should be
findable on the ICANN web site both by navigation and by search. Flexibility
of providing the information by individual working group members should be
balanced by the need for the rest of the community to be able to find the
various statements and disclosures without putting in a half hour of
clicking and/or guessing. Using a simple standard form makes it possible for
the web site database to know what data to present when an interested party
types "Avri DOI" or ³Hoggarth SOI² into the GNSO search engine.

The form doesn't have to be unduly restrictive and Staff have tried to limit
those produced to date to only the minimum information required by the GOP.
We need at least a name field and one or more "content" fields along with a
way to list the groups or interests with which a community member is
associated. What information users choose to put in those fields is up to
them as long as it meets the requirements of the GOP, but at least the
underlying Drupal database that the ICANN web site uses can then know where
the name and the related content is located when called upon to display it.

In the case of the new Council abstention processes it¹s more an issue of
effective logistics and process management.  There needs to be a consistent
notification process so that members of the Council, the affected
Stakeholder Group, the GNSO Secretariat and the community have notice when a
voting remedy is going to be exercised for a Council motion. There are
substantial logistical considerations for Glen who is managing as many as 20
different groups and, frankly, just needs to have a clear and consistent
process to ensure that the appropriate preparations can be made ahead of
time so that Council meetings run smoothly. A standard form not only ensures
that the proper information is collected efficiently, but makes the entire
process much more simple and manageable for all concerned.
Looking forward to other input on these continuing implementation


On 9/9/10 10:02 AM, "Avri Doria" <avri@xxxxxxx> wrote:

> On 9 Sep 2010, at 16:54, Ken Bour wrote:
>> 2)      An online notification form is now available to permit SG/Cs to
>> officially communicate their intention to remedy an abstention
>> (seehttp://gnso.icann.org/council/abstention-notification-form-en.htm).
> Oh my, yet another form.
> Will this be the required wat to do thing?
> or will email/telephone/ hallway discussions still be acceptable ways to
> communicate?
> a.

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