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Re: [gnso-osc] OSC Chair Position

  • To: gnso-osc@xxxxxxxxx
  • Subject: Re: [gnso-osc] OSC Chair Position
  • From: Avri Doria <avri@xxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 24 Dec 2009 13:24:24 -0500


Thanks for opening this up for discussion.

As you probably know, I have always been concerned about Chairs of subgroups 
'reporting' to themselves as Chairs of the chartering body.  I tend to think 
that it confuses the ability of the person to both be objective and neutral in 
the chartering group and strongly represent their chartered group. As chair of 
the OSC you are charged with representing, as strongly as possible, the needs 
and decisions of the  OSC, while on the other hand as Chair of the Council you 
are required to handle the requests of all subgroups in a neutral and objective 
manner. It is difficult to be both a strong advocate of a group and neutral 
about that group at the same time.  I must admit, I have the same concerns for 
v-chairs and believe that the chairs/v-chairs (and often even the members) of 
the chartering groups should not chair subgroups except in emergency situations 
and then only briefly.

I also think that in the effort to spread the responsibility around among the 
stakeholder groups, it is important to reach out and to get a diverse group of 
leaders whenever possible.


On 24 Dec 2009, at 11:38, Gomes, Chuck wrote:

> As all of you know, I was elected OSC chair when I was Council Vice Chair.  
> It has been brought to my attention that it might be worth considering 
> whether we should revisit the OSC chair role now that I am Council Chair.  I 
> am certainly open to that and would welcome your thoughts in that regard.
> Chuck

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